Whether you are a member of the Greek Orthodox Church or are planning to join, you may have wondered whether it follows the Pope. This is a question that has long been debated. Some people have claimed that the Greek Orthodox Church follows the Pope, while others have stated that they do not. It is a question that has many different answers, but it is one that needs to be answered before you can make an informed decision about joining.
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Patriarch Athenagoras was a Greek Patriarch who became the first to contact the Roman Catholic Church. He was a key figure in church history, and contributed to rekindling the Orthodox Churches. He first wrote to Pope Paul VI, and later invited him to Rome. After the death of Pope John XXIII, he continued efforts to improve relations between the two Churches.
The Eastern Church encompassed the Middle East, Asia Minor, Northern Africa, and Western Europe. It was governed by a Holy Synod of twelve metropolitans. The number of metropolitans and their titles vary by patriarchate. They have an ecclesiastical rank similar to that of Latin archbishops. They have a diocese of their own.
Some of the Churches that broke away from the Greek Church were the Coptic Church and the Armenian Church. Those Churches remain today.
Patriarch of Alexandria had right of consecrating all his bishops
Patriarchs of Alexandria and Antioch are the chief heads of the Syrian Jacobite Church and the Maronite Church, respectively. They also have a Coptic rival. These three patriarchates have a history of their own, and each has been the subject of controversy at one time or another.
Among other things, the patriarch of Alexandria had the right to consecrate all the bishops under his jurisdiction. He also had the right to call district councils and give a decisive judgment in cases of appeal. He was regarded as the supreme pastor over five thousand souls.
The first known reference to the title Patriarch was in the work of Socrates. He gave the title to all the chiefs of diocesses.
Alexander of Alexandria was Pope of Alexandria during the early fourth century. He was a leading figure in the opposition to Arianism at the First Ecumenical Council. He was also a prominent figure in the dating of Pascha. The Church of Alexandria was a hotbed of controversy during his time, and was the site of some serious disturbances.
Ecumenical Patriarch
Throughout history, the Ecumenical Patriarch of the Greek Orthodox Church has been the center of Orthodox life throughout the world. He is regarded as the spiritual leader of all Orthodox Christians and acts as a bridge between various Orthodox Churches. He also plays a role in promoting religious tolerance among all religions. In this role, he has initiated a number of international meetings and conversations with religious leaders of other faiths.
Patriarch Bartholomew, who was elected as the 270th Archbishop of the Orthodox Christian Church, occupies the Ecumenical Throne, a position he has held since 1991. His tenure has been marked by inter-Orthodox cooperation and a strong emphasis on religious freedom. In this role, he has traveled extensively to both Orthodox and non-Orthodox countries. He has forged inter-faith dialogues with Muslims, Jews, and other religious leaders. He has also worked to advance religious tolerance in the Mediterranean region.
Chalcedonian Christology vs Eastern Orthodoxy
Historically, Chalcedonian Christology vs Eastern Orthodoxy in the Greek Orthodox Church is a matter of contrasting theological and historical viewpoints. Both sides share common roots with Orthodoxy, but the two groups differ on some crucial points.
The most important difference between the two is in their understanding of Christology. The Orthodox believe that Christ is fully human and fully Divine. The Monophysites, by contrast, hold that Christ has only one nature. This is a christological position that developed during the fifth through sixth centuries C.E. Among Monophysites are Egyptians, Malabarese Jacobites, Copts, Ethiopians, and Syrians.
While the Orthodox believe that Christ has two natures in hypostatic union, the Monophysites believe that Christ only has one nature. Their view is also called monophysitism, and they are considered to be heretical.
Roman Catholicism is rationalist
During the Middle Ages, Roman Catholicism was a major force in the development of the Western world. The church has a long and complex history. It has been described as a pyramid structure, an organization, and a religion. Its theology has been elaborate and sophisticated, and its organization is impressive.
It has been estimated that Roman Catholicism is the oldest continuing absolute monarchy in the world. In the seventeenth century, Louis XIV tried to establish an English succession, and his avowed intention of establishing an English monarchy has not been redeemed.
A good historical approach is a must for understanding the Roman Catholic Church. This is particularly true since it is an organization with a complex past and an esoteric future.