Do You Think God Stays in Heaven Because He Too Breaks Fellowship With God?

do you think god stays in heaven because he too

Nowadays it’s popular to say “all roads lead to heaven”, but without belief in Jesus you break fellowship with God and are therefore not saved.

Sin has created an enormous gap between God and humanity, but only Jesus Christ’s sacrifice can bridge it. When He did so, heaven opened its doors wide open for all those who trust in Him.

1. He loves you

One of the most critical lessons you can learn is how to love God fully with all your heart. Realizing how amazing and incomparably beautiful His love for you will enable you to love others the way He does – extravagantly, healthily boundaries set, patience kindness slowness to anger unfailingly given freely given by him without condition, unconditionally given and unfailingly returned – an understanding that enables us to pour that same unfailingly out to all those we encounter – even difficult ones! His love surpasses all others so the more familiar we become with His love the more readily we can share it outward.

If you want proof that God loves you, look no further than Jesus dying on the cross for you. When He created Adam, He declared it good in every sense; yet when Jesus sacrificed his life for you it was done out of sheer love for humanity as a whole.

People often struggle to comprehend that God is love because their experiences with human love can often be inconsistent, clouded by sin or broken relationships, leading them to believe He does not love them – or only loves those who “do good” things or “have done their part”. Yet God’s love remains constant no matter what actions or choices people take – regardless of the consequences for their actions or consequences from doing bad ones.

God embodies perfect justice and righteousness; He treats each of us fairly and justly, punishing those who break His laws or commit any form of wrongdoing (Deuteronomy 32:4).

God knows everything there is to know about you, from before your conception until birth (Psalm 139) and knitting you together inside your mother’s womb. He planned your life before birth and continues to plan it even today – without limitations! He loves you unconditionally, with nothing you do altering his plans for you or his love of you.

2. He wants you to live a good life

There is no doubt that God wants us to live a good life. He has designed each one of our lives individually, and He works diligently toward its fulfillment. According to His word, He desires for everyone to be saved – He sent Jesus into this world to die on our behalf and told us “Whoever believes in Him has eternal life”.

The Bible also reminds us that our God is good, as evidenced by Psalmist David’s words in Psalm 104 “Taste and see that the Lord is good” We can take pleasure in his goodness even while facing trials and suffering, thanks to Paul. Joy comes not just from temporary things but is deep-seated within.

As believers, we are called upon to honor Him with our gifts and talents. We should share the gospel with our neighbors, care for friends and family members in need, minister to those incarcerated or homeless – these activities bring great blessings from God which he rewards with eternal joy!

People sometimes mistakenly believe that God wants them to live their best life now on earth; however, the church can never guarantee health, wealth, and success for anyone; thus it would be more effective to reassure people of eternal glory reserved exclusively for those who love and trust Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross.

To live a good life, the key to finding fulfillment lies in seeking God with all our hearts. Prayer should be offered continually for wisdom and strength to follow Him faithfully, while generosity should also be shown with our time, money, and possessions – research has demonstrated this truth for millennia through Scriptures that have taught it! Trials or hardships shouldn’t deter us; rather they’re part of His plan for us all as He knows what we need in order to lead full lives.

3. He wants you to be happy

God wants what’s best for us, yet there can be significant discrepancies between his definition of happiness and ours. It is crucial that we recognize this distinction so as not to run into difficulties later down the line.

Many people use words like “joy,” “glory,” and “delight” interchangeably when discussing happiness, but there is an important distinction in Scripture between them: joy is an outcome of having God as our heavenly Father while happiness comes from living according to His will.

Jesus listed seven beatitudes that seem far removed from happiness; these include being poor of spirit, mourning for lost loved ones, meek and merciful towards others and persecuted for righteousness’ sake. But according to Scripture this type of living brings blessing: “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be satisfied.” Happiness results from obeying Him by forgiving your sins, becoming new creatures in Christ with a clean conscience living life with purposeful meaning & hope – these qualities that help bring fulfillment in life & purposeful living!

Many people make the mistake of believing they have the right to define happiness for themselves, believing if they don’t get exactly what they want then God doesn’t care about them – which has many negative repercussions in later years. This falsehood can have serious ramifications.

God doesn’t define your happiness for you, but He does desire for it to come your way. He desires that it encompass all areas of your life – physical, emotional, or spiritual. He cares deeply for every part of life you enjoy – even down to tracking how many hairs there are on your head unless something bothersome was happening! So do you believe He sits idly by because He fears what He has created? Of course not – His love for each of his creations keeps Him joyful enough that He desires your joy in order that happiness could exist within.

4. He wants you to be with him

One of the key things to keep in mind about God is that He is a loving and good being. He created everything around us, including ourselves, and He wants nothing but the best for us – this requires us following His will and doing what’s right; otherwise we risk being punished in Hell for doing wrong.

So it is essential that we listen carefully to what God is telling us and allow ourselves to be guided in any direction he suggests – even if something seems strange at first or appears contrary to logic. He knows what’s best for us and loves us unconditionally.

As long as we listen carefully, we should know when He is communicating something to us or when we attempt to impose our plans onto Him – both are red flags we should heed seriously. Furthermore, it’s wise to avoid “proof-texting,” where Scripture verses are taken out of context to prove one’s beliefs; such practices can lead to significant turmoil.

Relationships require us to have many spiritual indicators in order to determine whether God wants a person in our lives. But it’s also essential that we consider practical aspects. For example, if someone keeps putting up barriers against the relationship by getting jobs or moving away, that could be a telltale sign that He doesn’t intend for them to remain part of it.

No definitive answers exist here; however, the Bible makes it abundantly clear that God is love (1 John 4:8). He created our universe (Genesis 1:1 and Isaiah 42:5); actively maintains and governs it (Colossians 1:27); draws people closer through Jesus Christ (John 6:44); will judge it (Revelation 20:11-15)–if we allow ourselves to surrender ourselves completely into Him He will always be there for us.

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