Several churches, including Greek orthodox churches, have pews. The pews are a part of the architectural design of the church and are meant to provide a place for people to sit during the service. Pews in Greek orthodox churches are generally made of wood, metal, or stone. Some churches may have pews in the Narthex, Nave, and Antimension.
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Byzantine churches have pews
Historically, pews were not used in Byzantine churches. However, the idea of sitting in a chair is one of the most prevalent ideas in Western culture. However, Eastern Orthodox churches have a completely different attitude toward pews.
Pews are a relatively recent addition to Western churches. They were introduced by the influence of other Christian denominations. In the last centuries, they have become the norm. Historically, church pews were reserved for privileged people in the Temple of Jerusalem.
There are many different opinions on whether or not pews are useful. For example, some believe they isolate children from the liturgy. Others say they foster focused contemplation of the Mass.
The oldest interior layout in a church is the cruciform. This layout represents the cross of Christ. It usually includes short side-aisles, a cut open middle, and a larger icon screen. It may also feature a seven-branched candlestick that recalls the Old Testament Tabernacle in Jerusalem.
Traditionally, the antimension in Greek Orthodox churches served as an altar table outside of the church. Priests could celebrate Eucharist on the antimension, even if the altar table wasn’t consecrated. In current practice, the antimension is used on the consecrated altar.
The antimension is a rectangular piece of cloth. It is usually decorated with scriptural passages related to the Eucharist. It is made of silk or linen. It is opened three-quarters of the way. When folded, the creases form a cross. The antimension is then folded again in thirds. It is then folded once more to make an eiliton.
The eiliton is folded in the same manner as the antimension. The Gospel Book is then laid on the antimension and eiliton. After the eiliton has been folded, the priest reveals the mystery of Christ’s resurrection.
During the early Christian period, bishops celebrated Liturgy on tombs of martyrs. Later, it was a pious custom to place relics of martyrs on the altar. But relics of martyrs weren’t always accessible.
The pious practice of placing relics of martyrs on the consecrated altar became an integral part of the rite of consecration of the altar. Later, liturgical legislation was passed which allowed only relics in fixed altars.
In Eastern Christian liturgical traditions, the antimension is the most important altar furnishing. It is a rectangular piece of cloth, usually made of silk or linen. It is typically decorated with an inscription or icon related to the Passion of Christ. It bears the signature of the bishop, which indicates that the item is officially consecrated.
Traditionally, the Orthodox Church Narthex was a place where penitents received alms and made offerings. However, the narthex has been replaced by other features of a contemporary Orthodox church. Today’s narthex is a transitional space, where the faithful gather to prepare for the main Church service.
The narthex was also a place where the faithful would make personal offerings and receive candles. The area was also used for baptismal fonts. The modern narthex is a large porch in a church.
The narthex in a contemporary Orthodox church is typically an open, airy space. Some churches are designed with a separate pulpit. In addition, the narthex is also used for baptisms and funerals.
The narthex is the first architectural part of a church edifice. The narthex is the equivalent of the Old Testament Temple Courts. It is also the place where a priest blesses the food for the Paschal feast, which is like a feast for the senses.
Among the three main sections of a Greek Orthodox Cathedral, the Nave is the most prominent. This is the area where the faithful gather to worship God. Moreover, this is where the altar is located. It is the place where Christ is enthroned as the Lamb of God in the Eucharistic sacrifice.
The Nave is separated from the sanctuary by an iconostasis. The iconostasis is a wall that contains icons painted according to the Orthodox Tradition. It is a symbol of the Temple Veil in the Old Testament. Icons of Christ are always displayed on the right side of the iconostasis. Depending on the space, other icons may also be placed.
In Orthodox practice, the vestibule is used to symbolize the world. Moreover, this is a transitional space where the faithful prepare for the main Church.