All Saints is a day that is celebrated in Greek Orthodox churches. This celebration is in honor of all the saints that have been recognized by the Church as being saints. There are several Saints that are honored during this holiday including Saint George, St. Stephen, Saint Nicholas and Saint Marina.
St. Nicholas
Saint Nicholas is considered one of the most revered saints in the Orthodox faith. He was a zealous Christian warrior who served the Son of God and his flock. His feast is celebrated by Orthodox Christians two centuries after his death.
In the fourth century, he served as the archbishop of Myra, a diocese in southern Asia Minor. There he excelled in prayer, fasting and vigil.
He was born in Patara, Lycia, and ordained a priest at a very young age. He served in the First Ecumenical Council in Nicaea in 325 A.D. At that time, the Nicean Symbol of Faith was proclaimed.
St. Marina
Today is the feast of St Marina the Great Martyr. She was born into a pagan family in Asia Minor. After she became a Christian, her father disowned her. But her nursemaid helped her embrace the Faith of Christ.
Her mother died during childbirth. When she was fifteen, she was sent to a Christian nanny, who taught her about the life of Christ. At fifteen, she decided to accept Christ as her Lord.
The governor of Constantinople, Diocletian, was cruel to Christians. He killed over 15,000 of them. His decree to kill Christians could not be overturned. In addition, he ordered Marina’s head to be cut off.
St. George
The Greek Orthodox Church of Saint George is a Christ-centered community that inspires faith and encourages benevolence. It is also home to the Shrine of Saint Nectarios the Wonderworker.
In the Middle Ages, St George was one of the most honored saints in the world. He was a Christian soldier of Cappadocian Greek descent. His fame was widespread in the West. A number of convents are named after him.
George’s life is a story of courage and devotion. He was an officer in the Roman army and a member of the Praetorian Guard. During the reign of Emperor Diocletian, he was sentenced to death for refusing to recant his Christian faith. Despite enduring unheard of tortures, he overcame them with his faith in Christ.
St. Stephen
Saint Stephen is the first martyr for the Gospel. His martyrdom is a reflection of his love for Jesus.
Stephen is one of the seven deacons who were ordained by the Apostles. He worked miracles and was a great preacher. The Acts of the Apostles is the primary source for his biography. It was written in the late fourth or early fifth century.
During his youth, Stephen prayed for the Jews. He believed that God would raise up another prophet. He also denounced the Jews for destroying the prophets.
After he became a Christian, Stephen was one of the seven deacons chosen by the apostles. In addition to being a deacon, he was an “archdeacon”, or leader among Christians.
A Synaxis is a common commemoration of Saints. It is a liturgical assembly in Eastern Catholic churches that follows Byzantine Rite. Usually, Synaxis is held on the day following a major feast day in the Orthodox Church.
The term Synaxis originated in the Greek language. During the Byzantine Empire, a synaxis was a group of churchmen who opposed the Council of Florence. These men were particularly opposed to the union of Latin Patriarchs. Typically, a synaxis would involve many saints.
The first synaxis was celebrated in the city of Colossae. It was celebrated after the presentation of Christ in the temple. Eventually, synaxes were established in every church.
Icon of the Sunday of All Saints
The Sunday of All Saints is a Holy Week day of the Orthodox Church. It is celebrated after Pentecost and is a day of celebration for all saints. These are sanctified by the Holy Spirit and are considered to be shining examples of virtue.
There are several icons associated with this feast. Some depict the Throne of Preparation. Others illustrate the hierarchy of the saints in heaven. Another depicts the Second Coming.
Icons for the Sunday of All Saints may also include the Holy Cross. These are the symbols of the Christian faith. They are sometimes supported by Ss Helena and Constantine. In other cases, they are the symbols of an event in the life of a patron.