The Bible makes clear what constitutes sin, and couples engaging in sexual sin prior to marriage risk violating God’s commands and leading others into temptation.
Studies and research have proven that extramarital relationships rarely result in marriage; additionally, divorce rates in such unions tend to be significantly higher.
Table of Contents
1. Adultery
Adultery is one of the gravest sins a person can commit. Breaking God’s seventh commandment entails breaking marriage vows and can have serious repercussions for all parties involved, including divorce and extended family issues. Also violating God’s directive to love your neighbor as yourself could have serious repercussions for both physically and spiritual wellbeing.
Adultery in the Bible is translated from two Greek words that are both euphemisms for sexual immorality between married people; adultery was often punishable with death in many ancient cultures, which illustrates just how seriously God views this sin.
Jesus discussed fornication and adultery in His letters in the New Testament. Jesus used an aorist tense, which means it had already occurred compared to using perfect tenses such as pride, lust, or envy as his examples for these transgressions.
Many people assume that adultery involves physically engaging with someone outside your marriage, but there are other forms of adultery as well. According to Jesus, even gazing upon someone with desire in your heart constitutes adultery – this includes sexual fantasies, pornography or just thinking about them with desire!
An alternative way of committing adultery is engaging in inappropriate emotional contact with members of the opposite sex who are not your spouse, such as sending and receiving suggestive emails, texts or instant messages; providing emotional support or comforting them as needed; etc.
Visual adultery refers to any inappropriate physical contact between spouses that violates marriage vows, such as kissing, touching or holding hands with another individual without their knowledge and consent. By engaging in such actions you invite Satan and his demons into your life and marriage – knowing full well that only God’s commitment can keep relationships intact and intact with loved ones.
2. Sex Before Marriage
The Bible makes it abundantly clear that sexual intimacy should only take place within marriage between one man and one woman; any other form is considered sinful. Yet many couples engage in premarital sexual encounters for various reasons – whether sexual impurity, physical intimacy, or creating an unbreakable bond – prior to tying the knot. No matter the motives behind such conduct, having sexual relations before marriage is always wrong and never permitted.
Doing sex before marriage can be extremely risky for couples. It may lead to pregnancy, with devastating outcomes for both mother and baby, and emotional suffering among partners. Therefore, it is crucial that couples carefully consider all risks before making the decision to marry.
Some may consider premarital sexual relations acceptable; however, the Bible advises otherwise. Multiple passages warn against sexual immorality including 1 Corinthians 7:2. It stipulates that each man should only engage in intimate relations with his/her own wife/husband; similarly it warns against unmarried man-on-man encounters as well as interracial relationships before marriage.
At its core, having sexual encounters before marriage is sinful because it undermines respect for the body. According to Scripture, our bodies are temples belonging to God; therefore it must be treated as such. Unfortunately, many use 1 Corinthians 6:18 verses out of context as justification for having sexual affairs prior to marriage.
Remind yourself that sexual experience goes beyond pleasure: spiritual sex helps us connect to something larger, while providing an affirmation of unity and love. However, engaging in premarital sexual encounters may erode its meaning and lead to an empty lifestyle.
Existence of sexual activity prior to marriage can be an indicator of an unhealthy relationship. Women can struggle to break free from cycles of sexual and emotional abuse; for this reason it is vital for couples to take a step back from one another if either feels unhappy in the relationship; should things deteriorate further then discussions should ensue as to if saving it is still worth their while.
3. Divorce
Divorce can be an emotive topic and contentious among religious communities. Ultimately, each couple must decide if God blesses a divorce according to their individual spiritual beliefs and whether or not the arrangement was worthy of blessing; however, there are general guidelines worth keeping in mind when making such a decision.
Divorce is a grave sin. Marriage was intended to be lifelong; unfortunately, human shortcomings sometimes make this impossible. Infidelity, abuse, and other issues may break apart the oneness intended to exist within marriages; sometimes this leads to irreparable damage which requires divorce as God allows a solution.
Divorce can also be necessary for the health and safety of both parties involved, particularly if someone has been victimized by domestic violence or abuse – emotional, physical or sexual assault are unacceptable behaviors that must not continue in any relationship.
Therefore, it is crucial to remember that when a marriage ends it is not God’s fault; even if its termination was due to non-scriptural reasons there may still be the chance for God to redeem it – however those who divorce for unscriptural motives may regret their decisions when standing before Christ.
Importantly, while God does not condone divorce, He understands that people make mistakes and He is willing to forgive those who repent of their transgressions; He will not punish them the same as other sins such as adultery or murder.
Religions typically allow for divorce in some circumstances, including Mormonism which teaches that couples can obtain what is known as a cancellation of sealing which does not count as divorce in God’s eyes. Baptists believe that God forgives divorced persons and they can marry again – although second marriage may not always be what’s best. Individuals seeking guidance from their pastor should do their research first to find what’s right.
4. Second Marriage
In an ideal world, people would marry the person they love, live together for life together and eventually leave this earth at approximately the same time. Unfortunately, we live in an imperfect world where many people die young and many marriages end in divorce or even separation leaving both parties feeling lost and depressed. When marriages fail it often leaves spouses feeling hopeless or even despair; sometimes people seek new partners and enter second marriages but can God bless such unions?
Marriage for the second time can be both daunting and successful, depending on its participants. One reason may be due to couples being older and wiser: having learned from previous mistakes made during their first union, they now know what to expect when entering their second marriage and may also be willing to put forth extra efforts toward making their relationship work successfully.
Second marriages tend to succeed more easily because their partners tend to be more pragmatic in the second one, rather than romanticising and hoping that everything would go perfectly smoothly the first time around. Once in love and full of expectations, couples now realize their partner is not perfect and accept any flaws they might possess; as well as focussing on positive aspects and making sure not repeat previous errors from previous relationships.
Most second marriages involve children from an earlier relationship. This can be problematic as husband and wife must agree upon custody arrangements, visitation schedules, support payments for their offspring as well as not accidentally disinherit them by leaving out provisions in a will or trust that could disinherit them from inheritance.
Religionists understand that remarriage should not be considered adultery; however, this does not make it right or wrong; individual decisions regarding remarriage depend on individual situations. Remarrying may not be sinful in Christian context unless there are issues such as infidelity, physical abuse and financial irresponsibility involved; then seek help from counselors as well as pray for guidance.