Saints are a key component of a person’s spirituality. They are important because they represent the values and beliefs we cling to through our lives. Moreover, saints are a great example of people who are faithful to God’s will, even when everything around them is going in a different direction. Therefore, it is important to know about the saints of Africa. These saints have influenced the continent and its cultures, and have helped the world understand African culture better.
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St. Moses
St Moses is a patron saint of Africa. He lived in Egypt in the fourth century. His life story shows us that God is merciful. This saint is also the patron saint of August, a month which he and other African Orthodox saints are celebrated.
Saint Moses started out his life as a slave in the household of an Egyptian governor. He became a thief at a young age and committed numerous crimes. In the fourth century, he became a leader of a band of robbers. As a result of his crime, he was banished from his master’s house.
After years of stealing, he abandoned his life of crime. Instead, he dedicated himself to prayer and physical labor.
One day, a prince with a retinue stopped by. He heard about an elder who had a lot to say, so he asked to see him. The brethren gave him a description of the elder.
St. Simeon the Niger
Simeon, or Simeon the Black, is a Christian saint of African origin. He was the first African Christian to be ordained in Christianity. He was also the first person to preach in Africa.
Simeon is mentioned in Genesis 29:33, 42:19, and 42:36. He was the second son of Jacob and Leah. He is described as a devout man who was inspired by the Holy Ghost. His inheritance was in the midst of the inheritance of the children of Judah. However, his wealth was too much for him.
Simeon was a righteous man who had a son named Gamaliel. Simeon was also a president of the Sanhedrin in AD 13. In addition, he was the father of Gamaliel I, a Pharisee in St. Paul’s Church.
Simeon was a black man with a dark complexion. Some people equate him with the Greek Simon of Cyrene, who bore the cross on behalf of Jesus.
St. Athanasius
Athanasius of Africa was one of the most important defenders of Christian orthodoxy in the fourth century. He was an Egyptian deacon and a leader of the Orthodox Church. His teaching was based on the historical figure of Christ. He was the father of Orthodoxy.
Athanasius was born in Alexandria, Egypt in 296. His parents were Greek Christians. His father was a priest and later became Bishop of Alexandria. He received a fine education in Greek literature and philosophy. He was also educated in Hebrew Scriptures and Gospel accounts.
As a young boy, Athanasius studied with St. Anthony of Egypt. After Alexander of Alexandria became bishop, Athanasius continued to study with him. Athanasius later became a bishop himself. During his career, Athanasius defended the divinity of Christ against Arianism.
He wrote numerous works, including On the Incarnation of the Word, Letter to Monks, History of the Arians, and Apology for his Flight. He also was the editor of the book St. Athanasius.
St. John Coltrane
The African Orthodox Church is a faith community that primarily worships the Black Christ. Originally established in Chicago, the African Orthodox Church has expanded to other cities in the U.S. and internationally. This church is known for its anti-racist work, healing, and social justice.
When the Kings of Leon decided to create a church, they looked to the legendary saxophonist, John Coltrane, as a savior. The saxophonist claimed to hear the voice of God while he was battling heroin addiction in the 1950s. He was called “Risen Trane” by the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. In 1982, Coltrane became a saint in the African Orthodox Church.
One of the spiritual names of John Coltrane is Ohnedaruth. It is a Sanskrit word meaning “compassion.” St. John’s Church was the genesis of an autonomous belief system for Coltrane’s followers.
A Love Supreme is the liturgical text of the African Orthodox Church. Members chant along with the words of A Love Supreme while playing instruments, including the saxophone.