St. John the Dwarf: Humility and the fear of God . . .Sayings from Saints, Elders, and Fathers, St. John the Dwarf / By Orthodox Church Quotes “Humility and the fear of God are above all virtues.” — St. John the Dwarf, Saying of the Desert Fathers Related posts: St. John the Dwarf: Humility and the fear of God . .. St. John Cassian: The thief who received the kingdom of heaven, though not as the reward of virtue, is a true witness to the fact that salvation . . . St. John Maximovitch: God’s grace always assists those who struggle, but this does not mean that a struggler is always . . . St. John of Kronstadt: How will it be with us in the future life . . .
St. John of Kronstadt: The Comforter, the Holy Spirit, who fills the whole universe, passes through all believing, meek, humble, good, and simple human souls, dwelling in them, vivifying and strengthening them. . . . Sayings from Saints, Elders, and Fathers, St. John of Kronstadt / By Orthodox Church Quotes
Unseen Warfare: Since the enemy watches you constantly . . . St. Theophon the Recluse, Sayings from Saints, Elders, and Fathers / By Orthodox Church Quotes