God often takes lying very seriously, including lumping it in with murderers, blasphemers, sexually immoral people and occult magicians as sinful behaviors (Revelation 21:8).
As lying is a form of transgression that, if left unaddressed, leads to eternal damnation in hell, does God forgive lying?
Table of Contents
Why does God hate lying?
God hates lying for many reasons, one being its breach of His character. Being the embodiment of truth himself, He can only accept truthful acts from His people. Eve’s betrayal caused mankind to sin against their creator resulting in untold suffering for both Him and those He created. Furthermore, His jealous nature means He won’t tolerate deceitfulness – something the serpent’s lie to Eve demonstrated vividly.
People often dismiss lying as an easy or minor sin, yet Scripture makes clear it should not be treated lightly. Jesus told Pharisees who engaged in lying that it was similar to breaking covenant (John 8:44). Additionally, The Bible details six acts that God hates as sin: boastful looks, lying tongues, hands that shed innocent blood, hearts that devise wicked schemes of its own volition, feet running towards mischief-making activities and witnesses who lie under oath.
God views any form of lying as an offense against His will, even those that appear harmless – like telling your boss you were sick last week, or fibbing to your teacher about why you arrived late to class. Such deceitful acts can seriously compromise spiritual health.
The Bible warns us against lying; indeed, it states that those who lie will not enter heaven. Their fate lies within hell’s lake of fire and brimstone (Revelation 21:8); John’s Revelation states “all liars” will be cast into this terrible place (Rev 21:8) – we should never take lying lightly or tolerate its sinfulness lightly.
As Christians, when we turn to Christ, He forgives our lies and all other forms of sins, including lying. Jesus died for those sins on the cross and allows us to receive his pardon when we confess our transgressions to Him. Of course we cannot earn God’s pardon; rather it comes freely when we accept Jesus Christ into our hearts as Lord and Savior; once forgiven we should continue repenting of any ongoing transgressions while living according to his Gospel message.
Why does God hate lying to others?
Lying is one of the most frequent sins and it often has devastating repercussions for those we lie to. Even though many commit this sin every day, God doesn’t view it casually – one of His Ten Commandments specifically prohibits it! This should demonstrate just how serious a matter this sin represents to Him.
One reason is that God is truth and cannot lie; otherwise He would cease being God. Additionally, He judges those who lie and admonishes His disciples to “speak the truth in your hearts” (John 18:37). Lastly, Scripture makes clear that anyone continuing to lie after being forgiven will be cast into hell (Revelation 21:8).
God despises the damage caused by lies. Jesus even called Satan “Satan the Liar and Manslayer”, as his lies plunging humanity deeper into misery and death – so much so that He detests lying even more than before.
Lying is an offense against both those we deceive and ourselves. When we lie to our parents about our location and they find out, it can create tension in their relationship; therefore it is wiser not to keep secrets from them.
God strongly disapproves of lying because it violates His nature as the God of truth and cannot tolerate lies which violate it. Therefore, He deems it to be sin and warns those who continue doing so of eternal damnation; but if we repent of our lies and ask forgiveness or make reparation to those we’ve hurt as well as change our ways voluntarily He will forgive us because He loves us too much to let them be punished by sin alone.
Why does God hate lying to himself?
God dislikes lying as it goes against His nature and the ninth commandment forbids it, while Proverbs 6:17 mentions His dislike of “a false witness who uttereth lies”. Truth is God’s very essence – faithful (1 Corinthians 1:25), loving (1 John 4:18) and holy (1 Peter 1:16) being just three examples; in other words He cannot lie (Hebrews 6:18). Lying also runs contrary to believers’ natures – Jesus taught that we should speak the truth in love (Ephesians 4:115), while Paul advised us “let your yes be yes and your no be no” (2 Corinthians 11:9)
Many are blissfully unaware of their deceit, yet still commit the sin of lying. Either they do not perceive it as serious offense, or have rationalized their behavior so as not to consider it an issue; but God considers lying an offense of grave consequence, and those who continue in this behavior without repentance will eventually face eternal damnation (Revelation 21:8).
Some people might believe there are times when we must lie to uphold justice or protect others, yet Biblical passages indicate otherwise. Proverbs 13:5 states truth is the highest standard of morality; similarly there have been numerous examples of holy men and women standing up for truth-telling against persecution – St Thomas More sacrificed his life rather than supporting King Henry VIII’s divorce decree while St Polycarp was burned at the stake for asserting the Pope was ultimately responsible.
The Bible warns about the perils of lying, and anyone caught lying will face severe punishment if they refuse to repent. According to Revelation 21:8 for instance, those who do not repent of their lies will be cast away from God forever into hell – being separated from him or her all eternity to remember their lies and their victims.
Jesus offers us hope in that regard; His suffering and death on the cross were for our sins – including lying. When we admit our errors and repent of them, He promises forgiveness and cleansing from all unrighteousness (1 Peter 3:18).
Why does God hate lying to God?
As when dealing with God, deception must never be allowed to exist. God views it as one of the gravest sins because lying directly violates His nature as Truth (James 1:14). Furthermore, lying is at the root of all evil; Adam and Eve were deceived into rebelling against their creator, leading to untold suffering among His people.
Deliberate lying violates God’s second commandment: Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness (Exodus 20:16). The Bible lists various reasons for God’s dislike of lying: one is that it reveals a lack of godliness: “Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, while those who deal faithfully are his delight” (Proverbs 6:16-19); two other factors include that it shows disregard for truth: “a false witness utters lies” (Proverbs 18:8); while lying can also act as an act of pride: “a proud man spreadeth strife: but those that humble themselves shall be exalted (Proverbs 28:25).
Finally, lying is against God’s laws: “Thou Shalt Not Covet the House or Clothes of Thine Neighbor nor His Farm nor Yard” (Exodus 20:17). Additionally, breaking this sixth commandment: Thou Shalt Not Steal (Exodus 20:20) should demonstrate why lying is disapproved of and should never be done. For these reasons and more it should become apparent why God disapproves of our lying practices and why it must never happen in our lives.
While lying is a serious offense, God still forgives those who ask His pardon for their misdeed. Additionally, we can receive absolution by confessing it before an authorized priest during Confession. As part of our efforts, we can make reparation to those we have wronged, as well as pray for strength to overcome our lying tendencies. But if we continue lying after we have repented, entering God’s Kingdom on earth and in heaven may become increasingly difficult. The best way to avoid hell’s punishment for lying is never do it again! That is why understanding biblical teaching on this matter is of such great significance. Always bear in mind that the devil is the architect of lies: John 8:44 reads, “For he was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in truth”; further, as quoted from Hebrews 11:4, no punishment can be worse than to be cast into “a lake of fire brimming with sulfur, which is known as the second death” (Revelation 21:8).