Table of Contents
- 1. What if you were a god?
- 2. What if you were a demon?
- 3. What if you were a satan?
- 4. What if you were a vampire?
- 5. What if you were a werewolf?
- 6. What if you were a witch?
- 7. What if you were a vampire knight?
- 8. What if you were a werewolf princess?
- 9. What if you were a werewolf knight?
- 10. What if you were a werewolf princess?
1. What if you were a god?
World mythology depicts gods and goddesses as rulers of both the visible and unseen realms, while also interacting with mortals. Some were kind while others could be cruel or vindictive. Some could live forever while others needed sustenance like mortals do.
Many philosophers have imagined God as being immaterial and personal at once; the greatest force possible that compels moral obligation; and infinite in scope and potentiality. Christian and Muslim theologian philosophers such as Maimonides, Augustine of Hippo and Al-Ghazali supported these concepts to various degrees.
Prince’s lyrics in Emancipation from 1996 seem directly inspired by scripture; however, he also draws from other spiritual systems and creeds such as Hinduism. For instance, Prince mentions bathing in the Ganges River which many Hinduism followers consider sacred; bathing there can help wash away past sins from your life and cleanse karma away.
2. What if you were a demon?
Demons have long played a prominent role in literature and science. Rene Descartes famously imagined them in his Meditations on First Philosophy as being capable of covering up reality so convincingly that people might mistake it for real.
Demonic Possession occurs when an evil spirit takes over your mind and body internally, leading to mental and physical symptoms such as hallucinations, depression, and anxiety.
Demons can cause intrusive, intrusive thoughts that are not your own, such as urges to kill. They feed off sin and may be found lurking around places such as strip clubs and brothels, making their presence hard to avoid. If this sounds familiar, seek deliverance immediately as Ez. 4:27 warns anyone giving an entrance for demons can become possessed (this includes frequenting sinful environments or using drugs or alcohol).
3. What if you were a satan?
When depicting Satan, we see many different depictions. Some depict him as an angry red figure with horns and a pointed tail; others imagine he is more like an insidious fox. According to Scripture, Jesus disarmed Satan and his rebel angels at his cross (Col 2:14) so they are no longer capable of accusing repentant sinners.
Scripture shows us that Satan leads an army of demons with diverse and capable skillsets forming an organized parallel federal organization. His minions study specific sinful patterns within human culture to craft tempting temptations for him. Satan himself is intelligent but not omniscient – in psychoanalytic terms more like an id than superego – lacking omnipotence but skilled at deception unlike anything else on the planet; scripture also makes clear he isn’t eternal either.
4. What if you were a vampire?
Vampires are believed to feed on blood, known as vampirology. Additionally, they tend to be nocturnal creatures that avoid sunlight. Vampires often possess long canine teeth with pale skin that appear elongated at their bases; some experts claim they possess faster-than-normal healing capabilities as well as the ability to be destroyed via stake through heart, flames, decapitation or exposure to sunlight.
Elizabeth Bathory was an infamous historical vampire from Transylvania who believed blood baths to be essential in maintaining her youthful and attractive appearance. To feed this habit, she murdered hundreds of people (including many young women).
Joel Martin, Director of the Vampire Research Center (VPR), claims there are thousands of vampires around the world. He claims his file cabinets contain paperwork from those claiming they are vampires – some even of them who appear convincing enough.
5. What if you were a werewolf?
When asked how they became werewolves, most will reply, “Biting.” While this may be true, there are other routes available as well.
Other methods may include drinking or otherwise exposing themselves to werewolf blood (though that did not always entail sexual activity and virgin sacrifice), wearing magical wolf skins, and getting cursed by god to become werewolves – as in Sigmund and Sinfjotli’s case.
This final test often consisted of seeing whether humans could treat peaceful animals with as much compassion and dignity as they treated humans.
6. What if you were a witch?
Women accused of witchcraft were often condemned to death or at best an excruciating life of hardship and misery. Middle aged women in particular were especially susceptible to accusations because they should have been the pillars of society–housewives, heads of their households and active members in their churches.
Moles, birthmarks or third nipple moles could be taken as signs from Satan; similarly, an animal companion of a witch would drink her blood to steal away her magic powers. Spoilt milk or butter also aroused suspicion.
If you daydreamed about or wrote down the name of your ideal partner in cursive on a notebook, they could become victims of witches’ curse. Witches have long been accused of using occult magic to curse or help people gain money or property – sometimes even having relations with demonic beings!
7. What if you were a vampire knight?
Vampire Knight enjoyed a brief but memorable run, but its short run ultimately resulted in its downfall. Not quite the cult classic it might have become and certainly no longer seen as being as important to society as Ouran, Fruits Basket or Nana are.
One of the primary flaws in Zero and Kaname’s romantic relationships is their attempt to treat toxic interactions as cute quirks that add depth or prove their devotion, rather than seeing these relationships as truly harmful relationships that should be resolved immediately. Zero and Kaname don’t develop much as characters either; they remain brooding, angsty figures who seem drawn directly from cliched shoujo era playbooks.
Yuki seems like an outcast who never fully materializes into life; she remains close to both Zero and Kaname while doing nothing constructive or beneficial to their cause or plot development. Yuki remains as an invisible presence who never truly appears.
8. What if you were a werewolf princess?
Amelia was shunned by her packmates after the sudden death of her mother in an attack by an outsider, with many labeling her weak, pathetic and disgraceful; even her older brother stopped talking to her. On her 17th birthday – traditionally when most wolves meet their fated mates – Amelia couldn’t find one as hers never materialised before her birthday celebrations began.
Lycanthropy derives its name from the Greek word lykos, which translates as “wolf.” Werewolves can range from single individuals up to packs of 50 knights wearing armour; they may be killed through crosses, running water, sunlight, fire or even by being staked through the heart – among many other means.
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9. What if you were a werewolf knight?
He possesses skill in weaponry, smithing and magic; his father taught him destructive arts while his aunt, an orator herself, imparted to him how to speak fluently with an expressive tongue.
At night, seers become more aggressive. Attacking and killing villagers are within their capabilities; however, care must be taken not to provoke a response from Wolf or Protector of Medicine. Seers make excellent companions during daytime missions.
The moderator will wake the seer up and ask them who they think is the werewolf. Villagers can either claim innocence or accuse someone of being one. If a werewolf attacks a player, their psychic may also be able to determine whether they are human or werewolf (This step no longer necessary after update).
10. What if you were a werewolf princess?
Amelia felt betrayed after her mother was killed in a rogue attack and blamed by her packmates; their older brother even stopped communicating with her. Compounding this mistrust were issues surrounding her wolf not emerging and finding an alpha to replace as leader of their pack.
Werewolves are notorious for their deadly bite and ability to kill with one bite. Yet their strength varies considerably; from as weak as four humans to strong enough to take down 50 armored knights!
Some werewolves are forced into animal form like Ishtar; however, others adopt animal shape voluntarily – this condition is known as lycanthropy and difficult to reverse; for instance, in the fairy tale “The She-Bear,” for example, she takes on bear form to flee her abusive father but cannot go back!