What God Does Greek Orthodox Believe?

what god does greek orthodox believe

Among the many beliefs of the Greek Orthodox Church is the belief that Jesus Christ was the Savior of the world. This has led to the restoration of the human race to fellowship with God. The Holy Spirit is the agent of deification, and a Divine Liturgy is a heavenly service on earth.

Divine Liturgy is a heavenly service on earth

During the Divine Liturgy, people join together to offer worship to God and to experience His presence. The service is designed to remind people of God’s love for them.

During the first part of the Divine Liturgy, the apostolic writings are proclaimed. The priest prepares the elements for the Service, such as the bread and wine. He offers Holy Communion to the faithful.

In the second part of the Divine Liturgy, there is the Liturgy of the Word. In this part of the service, the names of people are recalled. During the Liturgy of the Word, the choir sings appropriate hymns.

The third part of the Divine Liturgy is the Liturgy of the Faithful. During this part, the bread and wine are changed into the Body and Blood of Christ. The priest gives the portions of the Body of Christ to himself and to the deacon.

Jesus Christ has restored humanity to fellowship with God

Throughout the Bible, the theme of restoration is evident. The restored temples, the restored lands, the restored priesthood, the restored nationhood under a king, and the restored soul all stand as reminders of God’s goodness.

In order to see what God is up to, we must first understand his character. God is holy, wise, and powerful. His greatest gift to mankind was his son, Jesus. He took on the sin of humanity through his death on the cross, and made a way for humankind to have a rightful place with God.

When a person believes in Jesus Christ, he becomes part of a new humanity. This new life is empowered to live in harmony with others, and in tune with God’s plans for our lives.

The Holy Spirit is the agent of deification

During the first eight centuries of Christian history, doctrines regarding the incarnation and Trinity were developed. These doctrines are often referred to as the “mystery of the Spirit,” or “theosis.” Theosis describes a movement toward God.

Orthodox Christianity believes that human beings were created to live in communion with God. The Holy Spirit, along with Christ, has been sent to sanctify each individual’s life. This sanctification is seen in various liturgical acts.

Theosis is a dynamic process and does not occur at death. It begins with the Christian’s baptism and is characterized by a pilgrimage towards God. In Orthodox Christianity, this movement is theologically significant and is a sign that God’s love is stronger than death.

One of the most important aspects of theosis is theosis’s rebirth, or re-creation of humanity in the image of God. Orthodox Christians believe that God became flesh in Jesus Christ. He subsequently made human ascent to the Father through the work of the Holy Spirit.

Holy Days

Having a faith in God and a belief in deification are two things that Greek Orthodox Christians have in common. They also have a faith in the Holy Spirit. They believe that the Holy Spirit works through the Church.

They also believe that each person has a fundamental vocation. Theosis, the movement toward God, is the primary focus of their theology.

Theosis is a spiritual pilgrimage that begins with baptism and continues throughout a person’s life. Deification is the process that allows a person to become more and more like God.

Theosis also includes the process of redemption. The Church believes that the resurrection of Christ is a manifestation of God’s power. It is also a reminder that God’s love is stronger than death.


Usually, when we think of Sacraments, we imagine that they are some sort of ritual, that we are undergoing a specific act that entails our salvation. That is how the Roman Catholic and Protestant churches have interpreted Sacraments. In the Orthodox Church, however, Sacraments are seen as part of the ecclesiastical community’s prayer and action.

Sacraments are also a means of communication with God. For example, in the Orthodox Church, baptism is a sacrament that indicates that we are destined to share in the redemptive work of Jesus. It also marks the beginning of public ministry.

Another sacrament in the Orthodox Church is unction. This is a type of prayer performed to heal the soul and body. It is offered to all people who are sick. It is administered after a person has read seven lessons. It is also offered to people who are near death.

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