The Orthodox Church in the United States of America is a valuable presence and a distinctive witness. It has a long history in this country and is still developing today.
We are a part of the worldwide Orthodox Church. It is an international federation of patriarchal, autocephalous, and autonomous churches.
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Holy Resurrection Orthodox Church
Holy Resurrection Orthodox Church is a community of faith dedicated to worshiping and serving Christ in the Russian tradition. We invite you to become part of our community!
The Orthodox Church is one of the oldest Christian traditions. She traces her roots to the Apostles and their faithful disciples. She treasures the rich diversity of her people and their cultures.
Orthodoxy is the ancient Church of the East, which teaches that the ultimate goal of human life is to know, love, and serve God. It is her mission to teach and spread the true teachings of Christ, and to promote a spiritual life that is free from error.
The Church also believes that when Christ was baptized in the Jordan River, it not only marked the beginning of his public ministry, but also signified the unity of His Church and His salvific power. In addition, it symbolized the restoration of the whole Creation through Christ’s death and resurrection.
Orthodox Christianity is the oldest form of Christian worship, dating back to the time of Jesus Christ. Its roots are traced to the Eastern regions of the old Roman Empire, where the fundamentals of our faith were first preached.
Many Orthodox immigrants from these lands came to this country in search of freedom and opportunity, carrying with them a sacred heritage and gift. Their devotion has helped build the Orthodox Church in this country.
We offer a warm welcome to you. We hope that you will find all the information you need and make us your spiritual home.
Our mission is to celebrate the Holy Resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ, with the help of His Holy Spirit. This will be accomplished through regular participation in the Divine Liturgy, faithful stewardship and the support of our parish community. You can learn more about these and other ways that we are helping people of all ages and backgrounds to experience the richest treasures of the Orthodox Church by reading our About Us page or getting in touch with one of our clergy.
Worship is a cornerstone of Orthodox Christianity. Our church worships the Father, Son and Holy Spirit through the Divine Liturgy, which is recited in both English and Greek.
We also offer a children’s service as it is believed that children learn most by witnessing and engaging in the faith at an early age. All parishioners are encouraged to attend and participate in the Divine Liturgy.
Our worship also includes the veneration of icons and processions during the Divine Liturgy. These images are intended to evoke spiritual connection and faith in Christ.
In the Russian Orthodox tradition, communion is completed by the gathered congregation and community rather than by the priest alone. This is a major difference from Roman Catholic and Protestant traditions.
Stewardship is a great responsibility that requires faithfulness and trustworthiness. It is the process by which we return to God our treasures and gifts.
The stewardship of the parish family is one of the primary ways that we live out our faith and serve God and our community. It is our way of thanking God for the gift of our lives and helping others in their spiritual journeys.
Our stewardship starts with our personal relationship with God in prayer and continues throughout our lives. It includes the handling of our time, money and relationships.
The Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-30) illustrates this concept very well. In the story, the first two servants invest their talents and are rewarded for their efforts. However, the third steward buried his talent and refused to invest it.