The Difference Between Jesus and God

difference between jesus and god

Many people find it hard to distinguish between Jesus and God. Although He shares many characteristics with the Almighty, He cannot be considered one and the same entity.

God is All-Mighty, All-Powerful and All-Knowing while Jesus Christ was human who experienced pain and death. In this article we’ll explore their differences.

1. God is omnipresent

The Bible testifies to God’s omnipresence, or being present everywhere at all times with His full Being. He owns all things (Genesis 2:4), upholds them all (Colossians 1:16), and He stands before all things (Colossians 1:16) as He stands first and last, beginning and end.

God is ever-present throughout all aspects of creation – on His throne in heaven, within Jewish temples and lives of believers alike, but also at distant and hidden corners of space and time. God does not limit Himself in space or time – though He may manifest more fully at certain places or at certain times.

Christians believe Jesus to be an expression of an infinitely great God, manifesting himself through his sonship with the Father and Holy Spirit before creation of our world in eternity past. Jesus is both its Creator and Sustainer as well as its Redeemer and Savior.

He came to earth as a human and flourished like a tender plant from dry ground (Isaiah 40:3). For over thirty years he cared for people, preached the gospel, performed miracles, forgave sinners and offered Himself as a sacrifice to atone for our world’s sins before ascending back up into heaven where He sits at God’s right hand – serving as our perfect example in moral living by perfectly reflecting God’s holy and righteous nature – yet no one else compares with Him in any way!

2. God is omniscient

As the master of all things, God knows everything that will ever occur in his universe, both past and future events. Furthermore, His omniscience encompasses every detail about our planet and its inhabitants.

Omniscience is one of the hallmarks of God, as it illustrates his authority. This trait allows Him to judge everything that exists and serve as the ultimate standard for truth – making Him both powerful and present as we read about in Scripture.

There are various reasons for attributing omniscience to God, with divine providence being one. Without knowledge of future events, He would be powerless to allow free choices without his understanding. Some theologians, however, argue this argument doesn’t hold water as justification for such claims.

Others have argued that God’s omniscience is essential to a theology of perfect being, on the grounds that He is unsurpassed in every way and nothing greater can ever exist in comparison with Him.

Some argue that an omniscient God must possess first-person or de se knowledge to be truly omniscient, since such knowledge would require knowing all facts known to everyone else – an argument which has been generally rejected by theologians. Other theologians counter by explaining that being an omniscient being does not mean knowing everything that exists as they would lack inductive reasoning tools and could potentially mislead.

3. God is omnipotent

The Bible depicts God as being all-powerful or “omnipotent”, which refers to his ability to do everything necessary in this universe and beyond. As creator, He can do whatever needs doing; He knows everything there is to know and is always present – an unsettling notion for some yet comforting one for others who take comfort knowing He holds power over everything in existence.

God may be all-powerful, yet there are certain limitations to His omnipotence. For example, He cannot lie or die. Instead, His actions must always align with His nature and purpose for creation; miracles aside, this means He can’t make two plus two equal five.

Jesus may not be God in every respect, but he shares many similarities. Jesus is God’s son who came down to earth as an innocent human to save humanity through teaching and miracles. Furthermore, He remains eternal and will never die like other living beings do.

But Jesus does not equate with God, since there can only ever be one deity. According to Scripture, though they both belong to the Trinity, it can be hard to tell them apart; Jesus serves as mediator between Heaven and earth as well as being our only means for forgiveness of our sins.

4. God is omnipresent

God’s omnipresence, or everywhere presence, is one of His defining characteristics as divine being. Though often forgotten compared to more prominent characteristics like being omnipotent or omniscient, understanding who He truly is requires an appreciation of his presence everywhere we look.

Omnipresence describes God as being present everywhere at once, just as He is all-powerful and all-knowing. Knowing this can provide great comfort in times of hardship or separation – for instance soldiers stationed abroad are no further away from Him than their families at home; prisoners confined in cells are as close to him as those they interact with daily in prison.

Not all scholars agree that God’s omnipresence must imply his physical presence everywhere at once; Nicholas Everitt counters this assumption with one: that it leads to believing God knows everything about any object in any physical region where they exist, diminishing God’s power since He does not control those outside his body.

Ross Inman offers more sympathy to widespread presence while still not concluding that God is physically present everywhere simultaneously. Instead, he prefers saying God is “omnipresent through his actions,” because this allows him to keep the traditional doctrine while acknowledging specific miracles God can perform – similar to how Jesus and the Father exist alongside one another yet remain one (John 10:38, 17:11). Scripture clearly depicts this dynamic God: acting specifically while maintaining his identity as creator and sustainer.

5. God is omnipresent

“Omnipresent” comes from Latin for all and refers to God being present everywhere at all times with all aspects of His being present at every instant – a concept central to Christianity as taught in scripture (James 2:19); therefore people never truly escape his presence even if they travel into outer space – because He transcends any boundaries set forth by space itself!

God is present everywhere with power and knowledge, such as knowing all that happens in the world and being able to intervene for His good purposes (Psalm 139:7-10). Furthermore, His omnipotence allows Him to do anything He wishes (Jer 23:17; Gen 18:14) even if creatures disobey His word at first (1 Sam 2:8).

Jesus cannot be seen as God because the Bible indicates there is only one true deity, as stated above. Additionally, he was simply a man who died as a sacrifice for our sins – indeed He even began as an infant before growing into adulthood! Jesus also had limited knowledge, while it is believed that God has an inexhaustible storehouse of wisdom. Due to these factors, it would be impossible for Jesus to be considered God. The biblical doctrine of omnipresence provides comfort for those enduring physical trials, such as soldiers serving overseas or prisoners imprisoned behind bars. Additionally, this comfort can bring hope when facing emotional turmoil as it reminds people they’re never alone in their struggles and that God always stands beside them in times of trouble.

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