Russian Orthodox Church Raleigh NC

russian orthodox church raleigh nc

Orthodox Christianity is an ancient Christian belief system that originated in Greece and Russia. In the 19th and 20th centuries, a large influx of immigrants brought Orthodoxy to North America.

Orthodox parishes have spread throughout the nation and into new regions, but now a growing number of conservative converts are rewriting the faith according to their own standards and making it a haven for white nationalist and nativist ideologies.

About Us

The Russian Orthodox Church is the world’s largest religious denomination. It has a rich and complex history that few are familiar with, from its Eastern roots to political and military contexts.

For centuries, the Orthodox Church has been a champion of peace and reconciliation. It is dedicated to upholding the Ecumenical Movement – an uncompromising campaign against division within Christianity.

Faith in Islam emphasizes respect for every human person, regardless of color, race, gender, nationality or language. It strongly condemns discrimination based on these principles and calls for the removal of all forms of fanaticism which weaken inter-religious and interethnic relations while denial peoples’ rights to freedom, brotherhood, peace and true freedom.

In 1932, a group of Russian immigrants in St. Helena, Pender County, North Carolina founded Saints Peter and Paul Russian Orthodox Church on land purchased from Wilmington real estate promoter Hugh MacRae. At that time, 15 charter members and their families worshiped at this small red brick temple.


Orthodox worship is an inspiring experience of praise and thanksgiving. Its liturgical texts, chants and rites draw from Christian tradition to enliven our senses and help us gain deeper insights into our faith.

Orthodoxy’s small presence in the United States is primarily due to a decline in multigenerational families. However, an increasing number of converts are bringing new members to Orthodox communities throughout North America. Some scholars and historians have expressed concern that these new believers are promoting white nationalist and nativist views under the banner of their faith.

Riccardi-Swartz conducted a study of American converts who joined the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia (ROCOR) in West Virginia and found they held strong nativist, racist and anti-American opinions. She believes some have even formed networks with outside extremist groups in an effort to spread these views. Her actions pose an imminent danger for one of America’s oldest religious traditions.

Parish Life

Russian Orthodox Church Raleigh North Carolina is a family-oriented congregation of Orthodox Christians dedicated to living a life of devotion and service. We strive to give our parishioners every opportunity to grow spiritually.

Orthodox parishes maintain a tradition that dates back centuries. The worship order of the Church ensures continuity with its past while also providing flexibility to adjust according to changing circumstances.

Traditional Orthodox Churches are distinguished by their worship services, which often take place in an antique setting and feature icons. They are led by ordained clergymen or deacons.

Orthodox churches across North America are increasingly becoming part of a broader cultural movement, realizing their responsibility to serve society through Orthodoxy. We encourage those interested in becoming members to explore the parishes closest to them for further involvement.

Contact Us

Our mission is to meet the spiritual needs of Orthodox Christians of the Russian tradition in Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill-Burlington-Greensboro, North Carolina. We believe in sharing the treasure of Orthodox Christian Faith with those seeking a more meaningful way of living their lives.

Our priests and parishioners travel throughout North Carolina to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ and his Church. Many have families or are employed full-time, yet they remain dedicated to serving our communities.

One of the most intriguing findings we’ve made is that some clergy within ROCOR denomination have taken to social media to promote their political opinions. These channels tend to center around themes like antisemitism, xenophobia and support for white nationalists.

These fringe groups, often located within newly established ROCOR churches, have caused much controversy and academic research to investigate their activities.

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