In the Russian Orthodox Church, there are various types of clergy. Some are monks while others must marry and serve as parish priests.
In the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC), clergy are organized into eparchies (Russian: eparkhiia). These eparchies may be further subdivided into exarchates or self-governing Churches (mitropolichii okrug). At its highest level, a Metropolitan archbishop serves as head of state.
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What is a Russian Orthodox priest?
A Russian Orthodox priest is a churchman appointed to lead the liturgy and administer the sacraments in parish churches. Monk-priests, also known as hieromonks, are monastic community ministers ordained to conduct liturgy.
The Russian Orthodox Church is a major religious force in Russia, with over 1,000 years of influence over culture and politics. Since the collapse of Soviet Union, there has been an uptick in religiosity and church attendance; however membership rates remain remarkably low.
What is a monk?
Monks are men who have chosen to forsake all worldly pursuits and devote themselves solely to religious practice. In Christianity, monks typically live in monasteries or hermitages.
Monks typically adhere to vows of poverty, celibacy and obedience to their abbot. Furthermore, monks are co-owners of community property and take part in its management.
Becoming a monk requires accepting God’s call to holiness with the guidance of a parish priest. After spending time in a monastery and exploring their vocation, they must make an informed decision and move through at least five years worth of choice, experience and reflection until finally professing their life vows.
What is a deacon?
Deacons are churchmen who are not priests. They have been ordained to perform specific tasks and serve the Church in an official capacity.
A deacon’s role in the church is to lead believers into prayer and conduct liturgy as an integral component of service. He also leads the procession and reads from Scripture during liturgy.
Through church history, deacons have served in a variety of roles. They could have served as prison chaplaincy or community service agencies, or perhaps they even volunteered for mission trips abroad.
What is a bishop?
Bishops are the spiritual head of their local church, or diocese. As such, they serve as guardian angels of faith and focal point for sacramental life within the congregation.
He serves on the synod, an ecclesiastical tribunal of high powers. Here he consecrates new bishops and makes decisions regarding church policy.
The bishop’s office is founded upon the doctrine of apostolic succession–that each new bishop must continue in the ministry of the Apostles. This idea holds a central place in Orthodox theology.
What is a protopresbyter?
Protopresbyter: A priest with the honorific title of protopresbyter conferred by a bishop through the laying on of hands and prayer, often envied by many ordained clergy in the Orthodox church.
The primary responsibility of a protopresbyter is to perform Holy Baptisms, ordinations and marriages. Furthermore, they serve as lead presiding clergy for liturgy (i.e., leading the sacraments) and are an integral part of choirs at Great Feasts or other church celebrations.
What is a archpriest?
Archpriests in Russia (Russian: rarri, IPA: [prt]) serve as the head of clergy in their parish.
The title “archpriest” comes from the Greek presbyteros, meaning “elder.” Traditionally given to the husband of a priest, this title can now also be bestowed upon an emeritus priest who has retired from full-time ministry but continues fulfilling his lifelong responsibilities as a clergyperson.
He can wear the mitre during service and, if he has received the eighth award, can serve the Liturgy with the Royal Door open at all times.
What is a priest?
A priest acts as a conduit or bridge-builder between God and humanity, sharing Christ’s identity as Beloved Son, Committed Spouse of the Church, Spiritual Father, Head of that Body which is called the Church, Shepherd of His flock and Divine Healer (CCC 1592).
He teaches, shepherds through leadership, provides pastoral care and spiritual guidance, and sanctifies people through the Sacraments. His primary responsibility is to nurture faith in his parishioners while drawing them closer to Jesus Christ.