Problems With the Orthodox Presbyterian Church

Problems With the Orthodox Presbyterian Church

problems with the orthodox presbyterian church

The orthodox Presbyterian Church is facing numerous problems. These issues range from dissensions and doctrinal issues to poor trust in the courts and a lack of responsiveness to the community. In this article, we’ll examine some of the main concerns. We’ll also discuss the various steps that can be taken to resolve the problems.


Despite dissensions within the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, its core values remain the same. The church believes in the Bible as the Word of God and the Westminster Confession of Faith, which is the most faithful interpretation of the Bible. However, this does not mean that there are no differences between Orthodox Presbyterian Churches and other denominations.

In 1925, the New York Presbytery erred in licensing two candidates for Moderator. That election was the last time an orthodox champion held the Moderatorial chair. Since then, orthodox forces have not had control over the Permanent Judicial Commission, which tries questions of discipline. This is because the commission has never had an uncompromisingly orthodox Moderator since 1925.

Some churches went so far as to suspend missionaries who were preaching the gospel of salvation by faith in Christ’s atonement. This action was condemned by the Rev. Dr. Clarence E. Macartney, who described such actions in a newspaper article. He specifically cited the suspension of Rev. Dr. J. Gresham Machen, who had written books on faith and was not a non-believer.

Doctrinal issues

The Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC) is an American denomination that follows the teachings of the Bible. The church’s Confession of Faith is based on the 1640 Confession of Faith of the Westminster Assembly. This confession is a concise statement of beliefs about the nature of Christianity, and it sets forth the core teachings of the Bible.

The Orthodox Presbyterian Church adheres to a number of standards. These standards pertain to doctrine, government, worship, and discipline. While the church has its own constitution, it is not final authority and is subordinate to the primary standard of the Church. This standard is the Bible of the Old and New Testaments. According to the Confession of Faith, the Bible is the rule of faith and life.

The OPC does not adhere to the same principles as some other denominations. For example, the OPC does not accept a doctrine that requires the body of Adam to have had animal ancestors. In 1996, the Assembly upheld the suspension of an elder who held that Adam’s body probably had animal ancestors. The Assembly found this view to be contrary to Scripture, and upheld the suspension of that elder. Overall, the OPC’s Reformed theology is broad and comprehensive.

Lack of trust in the courts

Lack of trust in the courts is a serious issue for the orthodox Presbyterian Church. This situation has caused many members to leave the church. It is important for the church to be more transparent and accountable. The General Assembly has the power to create boards and agencies. These bodies are overseen by the General Assembly and must be supported by the Presbyterian church.

The Orthodox Presbyterian Church was formed out of the Presbyterian Church in the USA. The denomination had a relatively sound foundation until about 1936. But the decay of the church began at a slower pace after that. In 1870, the New and Old School Presbyterians merged. While this was a compromise, it was not without errors.

In addition to limiting the power of courts, the orthodox Presbyterian Church does not attempt to control the property of its members or assess their contributions. Therefore, any money or property they give to the church must be voluntary. Furthermore, a member of the church is bound by the church’s constitution to believe in Christ and follow His commandments.

Lack of responsiveness to the community

The Presbyterian Church in the USA has been notorious for false worship. Members are pressured to join false services. Their contributions to the Board of Christian Education help publish literature declaiming Christ’s death on a cross as a ransom. They also support Modernistic missionaries. Such practices do not reflect the Christian faith and are contrary to the church’s statement of faith.

The OPC was founded on the belief that the mainline Presbyterian Church had capitulated to modernism. Leaders like J. Gresham Machen focused on the missions board of the old denomination, but they could have singled out the Board of Christian Education as well. The denominational literature and programs had a liberal theology.

The OPC was formed in 1939. Its General Assembly of May 28 to June 3 in Syracuse, N.Y., had suspended one of its pastors from the gospel ministry and ordered the pastor’s pastoral relationship severed. These actions were a response to the pastor’s refusal to support the Boards of the church with regards to their teachings.

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