Orthodox saints who were mothers were very important in the early church. Their example helped people grow in faith and hope and they taught people to love the Lord. Their children vowed to translate the words of their mother into deeds. They are considered a blessing to us all.
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St Faith
There are a number of Orthodox saints who were mothers. These women can be considered role models for mothers today. Saint Emmelia of Caesaria was the mother of ten children and was recognized as a saint by the Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox Churches. Her husband, St Macrina the Elder, is also a saint and is the patron saint of widows.
Saint Monica is a saintly intercessor for mothers of wayward children, and she had a notorious son who led a tragic life. After Monica’s prayer, St. Augustine renounced his immoral lifestyles and became a well-respected bishop and theologian.
St Hierotheos
St Gregory, the cantor at the Great Lavra on Mt Athos, became inspired to compose the hymn, “O full of grace, thou who art the joy of all creation.” Theotokos gave St Gregory a gold coin, which is kept at the Great Lavra. He reposed in peace, and his hymn has since become part of the Divine Liturgy of St Basil.
The children of this holy and righteous mother grew up to love and serve their Savior. They were devoted to prayer, spiritual reading, and fasting. Their mother encouraged them to learn the words of the apostles and prophets, and they were filled with divine wisdom.
St Cosmas
The Church honors mothers as examples of the holiness of motherhood. Mothers, as disciples of Christ, experience the presence of God every day. In the words of Jesus, “Anyone who does the will of God becomes His mother.” The holiness of motherhood is rooted in the fact that motherhood is a service to God and others. This holiness is found in 1 Corinthians 7:14, which says that children born to believing mothers are holy.
As a mother, St. Monica is an especially powerful intercessor for mothers of wayward children. Despite her devotion to the motherhood of her son, St. Augustine had an unhappy life. After a long relationship with a religious cult, Monica prayed for him and he converted to the Catholic faith. Eventually, he repented of his immoral lifestyle and became a celebrated bishop and theologian.
St Damian
St Damian is the patron saint of mothers in the Orthodox Church. His life and work were characterized by humility, obedience, and fervent prayer. As a monk, he excelled in vigilance, reading the Holy Scriptures, and asceticism. In his last days, he ate only bread and water.
Damian was born in Asia Minor and lived in the 3rd century AD. His mother, Theodota, raised him in the ways of the Christian faith. As a result, he received the gift of healing. He was able to cure even the most severe ailments. He even healed animals. This made him a popular saint.
St Anne
There are several Orthodox saints who were mothers. One of the most popular is St. Mary, who was the mother of Jesus. Her image is depicted with her hand tilted toward the infant Jesus. This icon is venerated in the Russian Orthodox church. Saint Mary is also a patron saint of the Coptic Church.
Besides her motherhood, she was also the patron saint of childbirth and expectant mothers. She had four sons and was a wonder-worker. Today, we celebrate the Name Days of these saints, as well as their sons.
St Emmelia
Saints who were mothers are not uncommon in the Orthodox church. Some were born to mothers and died in their later years. A mother’s role in a child’s life is vital to the growth of a child. In the Orthodox church, mothers are revered for their spiritual and physical well-being.
Mothers are the foundation of a child’s faith. Many saints attribute their thirst for God to their mothers. One of the best-known examples of this is St. Basil the Great’s family, whose mother was the revered St. Emmelia. Emmelia also gave birth to St. Gregory of Nyssa and St. Macrina the Younger, both of whom are revered as saints.