There are several Orthodox saints of the day. Some are more popular than others, but they all share some characteristics. For example, they are canonized before 1054 AD. After this, their paths changed. This is also the case for the lives of the saints of the Roman Catholic Church.
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Saint Philip
Saint Philip began preaching the gospel to the pagans of Asia Minor after the Day of Pentecost. During his ministry, he was martyred at Hieropolis, in Phrygia and Anatolia, today part of Turkey. While preaching, Philip killed snakes, and pagans got angry and condemned him to death. He was crucified on a cross similar to that of Jesus.
Saint Philip was a native of Bethsaida, near Galilee. He was a man of deep faith and profound knowledge of Holy Scripture. He was a faithful follower of Christ and was present in the Upper Room at the Ascension and Descent of the Holy Spirit.
As an igumen of a monastery, Philip was appointed by Archbishop Theodosius. While serving as igumen, he also had to find the Hodigitria icon of the Mother of God. Philip then had to find the cell of St Sabbatius (+1478) to place the icon in it. Philip also found a Psalter and robe belonging to St Zosimus, who was the first head of the monastery.
Saint Stylianus
Saint Stylianus is a Greek Orthodox saint who is known for his love of children and for his ability to heal them. The iconography of Stylianus shows him holding an infant, and many pious Christians ask him to protect their children. Even childless women turn to Stylianus for help, requesting his intercession for them to have children.
Saint Stylianos was born in Asia Minor in Paphlagonia. He was a priest who was gifted with the ability to cure sick children. He was sought after by mothers far and wide, and was a patron to those who were sick or crippled. He spent a great deal of time praying for sick people, and often took sick infants into his arms, asking God for a cure.
Saint Stylianus was born in the seventh century. His family was poor, but his parents instilled in him a love for Jesus Christ. When he was young, he joined a hermitage to serve the Lord.
Saint Gregory
The Greek Orthodox Church celebrates the Feast Day of Saint Gregory the Theologian, a famous saint of the early Church. Gregory was the third son of ten children, born in the region of Cappadocia. His family was highly religious. Both his parents and grandparents were saints. Although he was born into a wealthy family, he chose to serve the poor. During his life, he led the Church to become the most respected and obeyed force in Rome and Italy, and many looked to the Church as a source of government.
As a theologian, Gregory was known for his clear understanding of Scripture. He explained that God was not a philosophical concept, but a living person who is both love and fire. He explained that God gave revelation to humanity for the sake of the people. In addition to teaching Christians to seek God through prayer and sacrifice, Gregory provided an answer to many of the problems of daily life, especially suffering.
Saint Gregory was born in Cappadocia and later became a bishop. His parents were Christians, and he was raised in the Byzantine Empire. Later on, when he was older, he left the court and went to Mount Athos. He then became known as “the theologian of the Holy Trinity.” As a result of his dissatisfaction with the throne, Saint Gregory retreated into solitude, writing and composing writings on spiritual life. Gregory the Bishop of Nyssa lived in the third and fourth centuries. He was the younger brother of Saint Basil the Great.
Saint Menas
The Orthodox saint Menas is often called Mina the Soldier, a Greek word which literally means “wonder worker.” In the West, his name is associated with military devotion. The archeologists have dated his foundation to the late fourth century. He died in the city of Crete, where he was buried.
Menas spent five years as a hermit. During this time, he saw the angels praising the martyrs. He longed to be one of them. One day, he heard a voice saying, “Blessed be your piety!” Then, he was given three immortal crowns.
Saint Menas of the Orthodox saint of the day is one of the most famous Orthodox saints. His many miracles have made him a favorite of the Orthodox faithful. You can find clay bottles engraved with his picture and name in many different countries. In ancient times, visitors would buy them and bring them home with them as a memento.