When it comes to finding a savior for your anxiety, you may turn to orthodox saints. Here are some examples: St. Therese, St. Dymphna, and St. Paul. These saints have helped countless people overcome their anxiety and other mental health problems.
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St. Therese
One of the most well-known orthodox saints for anxiety is St. Therese of Assisi, who is known for her prayer for conversion of an unrepentant death-row inmate. During her life, therese suffered from anxiety and insecurity, often suffering deep depressions when her choices fell short of perfection. She eventually learned to rely on God and wrote one of the most influential books in Catholic meditation.
One of the most important aspects of the life of St. Therese is her love of God. She was a special child, but she was also very selfish. In fact, one of her childhood stories involves her mother, who gave her a box of dolls. When her older sister, Celine, wanted to take one doll, St. Therese took them all. As she grew older, her fervor became a symbol of her spiritual life, and her conversion experience took place at the age of fourteen.
St. Paul
Anxiety is a very common problem for many Christians, and one of the orthodox saints for anxiety is St. Paul. He encourages Christians to have a positive attitude and trust God to deal with anxiety. He says that the first step in overcoming anxiety is to pray. Using prayer, supplication, and thanksgiving will help you to express your needs and concerns to the Lord.
Paul’s letters are among the oldest Christian documents. Some scholars believe that the First Letter to the Thessalonians was the first book of the New Testament. Most modern scholars believe that these writings were composed as letters addressed to specific problems in the churches. While the letters were meant to address specific issues, they are not theological treatises.
St. Christopher
Many Christians believe in the powers of St. Christopher, a martyr who died in the third century for his faith. Also known as Agios Khristophoros or Christoforos, he was killed in Rome during the reign of Decius. By the seventh century, churches and monasteries were named after him. Today, there are a variety of different practices and prayers dedicated to St. Christopher, including prayer for anxiety and overcoming fear.
During his life, St. Christopher experienced many times of fear and anxiety. He was terrified of being caught in a stream, and thought that he would drown. But an angel appeared to him and blew upon him, giving him the grace of eloquence.
St. Dymphna
For centuries, St. Dymphna of the Orthodox Church has been a patron saint of the mentally ill and anyone suffering from anxiety or depression. Today, her devotion has received renewed vigor as rates of anxiety and depression have skyrocketed in recent times. Today, there are parishes offering novenas to St. Dymphna, and a growing number of young adolescent girls are receiving confirmation under the patronage of the saint.
St. Dymphna is a 7th-century Celtic saint, also known as Dimpna or Dympna. She is also associated with the Irish Ss. Damhnait and Damhnade. She died around 650 and is a patron saint of those suffering from anxiety, depression, and mental illness. Her name means “poetess,” and many people invoke her intercession for healing to overcome mental illness and anxiety.
Saint Dymphna has been recognized as a saint since the 7th century. Bishop Guy I, the bishop of Cambrai from 1238-1247, first recognized her as a saint. But canonization is not yet complete.
St. Gerasimos
In the ancient Greek world, St. Gerasimos was a monk who lived in the desert of Thebaid, Egypt. He later settled in Jordan where he founded a monastery, and followed a strict monastic rule. This included not eating during Lent and only receiving Holy Communion on Sunday. He also prayed a lot and lived a very simple life.
It is said that the monk discovered a wounded lion near the monastery. He healed the animal, and it followed him to the monastery. Later, the lion died of melancholy. Hence, lions are depicted at his grave.
In order to alleviate his suffering, he practiced meditation. Besides praying a short prayer a day, he also performed several other types of penance. One of these was contemplating the devil. He was deeply troubled, but his prayer was answered. He was released from his demon!
St. Issac the Syrian
The Syrian Orthodox Church considers St. Isaac the Syrian to be a saint for those who suffer from anxiety. The Greek Orthodox calendar does not recognize his official feast day. Historically, his feast day is January 28th, though Slavic Churches often celebrate him on September 28th. His feast day is also celebrated in Mount Athos.
Isaac was Bishop of Ninevah in the sixth century. In 676, he was ordained a Bishop by Catholicos George I, but resigned from the position after only five months. He was filled with anxiety and sought solitude. Once in the position of Bishop, Isaac was overwhelmed with the responsibility of leading the Ninevites. He felt unqualified to lead them.
The Syrian Orthodox Church has a number of saints that can alleviate your anxiety. St. Isaac of Ninevah, also known as St. Isaac of Syria, is one of the most influential figures in the Christian East. His influence extends as far south as South India and throughout the Monophysite Churches of Ethiopia and Armenia. The Syrian Orthodox Church lays much emphasis on rigorous spiritual formation and a love for all humankind.
St. Oscar Romero
In the midst of his life, St. Oscar Romero experienced anxiety and other problems. He sought treatment, and was eventually diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Romero began long-term spiritual counseling to cure his disorder. He practiced meditation and the Liturgy of the Hours, and went to confession every week. He also made monthly daylong retreats. He kept a “discipline” by his bedside drawer.
His struggle with scrupulosity was a lifelong issue. He sought help for his obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) at the age of 49, despite the stigma attached to mental illness. His treatment continued throughout his life, even as he fought for the oppressed and was killed.
Blessed Romero was born and raised in rural El Salvador. He studied in Rome and later was named the archbishop of San Salvador. In 1977, he had an intense conversion experience after the brutal murder of his friend, Father Rutilio Grande. He later dedicated himself to helping the poor and marginalized of his native El Salvador. He was assassinated three years later while celebrating mass.