The Lord’s eyes are constantly turned towards the earth and the terrestrial beings. As such, the eyes of the saints should be turned in the same direction. The treasures of the saints are their bodies, their works, their holy places and the people devoted to them. The eyes of the saints should be able to see the world from the Lord’s perspective.
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St. Paraskevi
In ancient times, St. Paraskevi was the patron saint of eyes. She was a concubine of a local ruler. In a desperate attempt to evict her, the ruler tortured her with a cauldron of boiling oil, believing that his servants were not making the oil hot enough. Fortunately, she was protected by the Divine, and miraculously recovered from her ordeal.
In addition, she was a powerful intercessor of blind people, and she was able to heal the blind Antoninus. According to the Orthodox Church, the water at St. Paraskevi’s spring contains miraculous healing power. In fact, the Orthodox Church has declared it a Shrine of the Miraculous Healing Holy Water of St. Paraskevi. In honor of her miracles, the locals built a stone grotto over the spring, and it still stands today as a silent manifestation of God’s love.
During her life, Paraskevi spread the Gospel wherever she went. Because of her zeal for Christ, she refused to sacrifice to pagan gods. Her mission was dangerous, since Christianity was still not popular in the pagan Roman Empire. Even the most virtuous Christians feared persecution. However, despite her perils, she embarked on her mission and gained widespread converts to the Orthodox faith.
St. Simeon
Simeon was born to a Christian mother in southern Cappadocia, Turkey, near the border with Syria. As a young man, Simeon was attracted to the monastic life, taking monastic vows at the age of eighteen. Simeon remained in the desert for 29 years before he returned to his hometown of Emesa to serve as a social worker.
The eyes of Saint Simeon are considered one of the most beautiful relics of the orthodox Church. These relics have the appearance of the heavenly messengers. As such, these images are often found in churches. This ancient Christian saint received his visions through the Holy Spirit. He lived in the expectation of the Coming of the Messiah.
Simeon had a difficult life. He was blind when he was a boy, but when he was an adult, he began to preach the Gospel and help the poor. He even took on a barbarous task – dragging a dead dog through the town.
St. Job
Orthodox Christians venerate a host of saints as patrons of various categories, including eyes, health, and travel. The patron saint of a country, place, or class is considered to be an advocate in heaven. A large number of saints have been recorded since early Christianity. The article needs cleanup. It should conform to the Style Manual and follow the suggestions in How to write a good article.
Anna the prophetess
Anna the prophetess, orthodox Christian eyes on the incarnation of the Savior is an example of a woman who was dedicated to God’s will despite her age. She served the Lord for many years, not considering her age a reason to excuse herself. It is believed that she was well over one hundred years old. The biblical record shows that she belonged to the tribe of Asher, and she did not lose her identity by the time of St. Luke’s writings.
Anna was born in Rome to pagan parents. Her mother instructed her in the ways of the Lord, but her father did not share her faith and married her against her will to a pagan man named Publius. Her husband was impious and lacked any Christian virtue. Despite her impious and unvirtuous appearance, she visited Christians who were imprisoned. Her husband was furious at this and locked her in a prison with little food and water.
In 1611, St. Anna of Kashin appeared to a Sexton named Gerasim. She healed his illness and then began performing miracles. The church re-canonized her in 1649, resulting in a controversial debate. The relics of St. Anna of Kashin were later desecrated, moved several times, and forgotten for many years.