If you are looking for a spiritual mentor to help you with your marriage issues, you may wish to consider requesting the help of an Orthodox saint. There are a number of saints you may wish to invoke, such as St. Xenia, St. Raphael, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, or St. Juliana of Lazarevo. These can help you make the right choices for your marriage and for your family.
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St. Xenia
During the eighteenth century, St. Xenia was a woman who had become a widow at the young age of twenty-six. Her husband, Major Andrew Petrov, had died without bringing her to Confession or Holy Communion, so she was left alone to carry on his burden. But she didn’t give up on hope. During her eight-year ordeal, she was able to find herself and become a spiritual sage.
The intercession of Saint Xenia has proven to be very effective in many cases. This saint can intercede for the wishes of those who are looking for a husband. Moreover, she is also believed to help those who are looking for a job. Even though the market is tough, she can guide you and help you achieve your goals. During her earthly life, she was known to collect only copper pennies.
St. Raphael
If you are single and wish to find a husband, St. Raphael can be your intercessor. His prayer focuses on forming a happy family, and also asks God to help you and your spouse overcome obstacles. You can also pray to him for health.
If you’re a single Catholic and seeking a husband, St. Raphael’s prayer is a powerful way to find love. He’s the patron saint of love and marriage, and this prayer can bring you your soul mate.
St. Nicholas the Wonderworker
Nicholas the Wonderworker is a Russian Orthodox saint. He is revered for his work in taming the elements. He is also a patron of travelers and merchants. While he is not included on the list of mandatory saints, his prayer is still often answered. He is said to have tamed the elements and saved many from death.
Nicholas the Wonderworker was a man without children, but he was a miracle worker. When he was baptized, he stood upright in the baptismal font for three hours. He also began a life of fasting. He did not eat any food until after evening prayers.
St. Juliana of Lazarevo
This virgin saint was called the “Divinely Wise Virgin,” because of the way she purged herself of all fleshly passions, allowing her mind to rule over them. Her dispassion is reflected in her life and devotion to Christ. She observed the teachings of the Savior in word and deed, bowing before his image when she prayed. In her devotion, Christ revealed himself to Juliana as a cloud pouring myrrh like rain, and she is said to have a divine nature.
The righteous Juliana had six sons and one daughter. After she lost two of them, she thought about withdrawing to a monastery to live as a nun. However, her husband persuaded her to remain in the world. She increased her prayer and fasting and even slept with a log underneath her head.
St. Nonna
Nonna’s story is one of faith and redemption. She was a Christian by upbringing, but her faith was tested when she married a pagan. As a result, she turned to prayer for her husband’s conversion. Gregory, her husband, eventually returned to the Orthodox faith and became one of the best Bishops of the Church.
St. Nonna, orthodox saint to pray for a husband is a well-loved saint in the Orthodox Church, whose life was dedicated to her family and the good of her husband. Saint Nonna’s prayers can be especially beneficial to women who wish to get their husband back after a long separation.
St. Cyril
As a young boy, Cyril dreamed of becoming a monk and left his parental home secretly. He had no money and took nothing with him, so he relied solely on God’s grace to get to his new monastery. He met a monastic Elder who guided him and blessed him.
Cyril was born in Thessalonica, a city in the Byzantine province of the same name. His parents were Leo and Maria. They had a son named Methodius, but he was given the name Cyril after he became a monk. His family was poor, and they did not have much money.