Leaving the Greek Orthodox Church

how to leave the greek orthodox church

Leaving the Greek Orthodox Church is not easy, but it can be done. There are many reasons why people decide to leave the church, and there are many ways to do it.


Leaving the Greek Orthodox Church is a difficult decision for many. You may have been unhappy with the church’s activities or you may be feeling unfulfilled in life. Whatever your reasons, you need to know the symbols you will see when you leave the Greek Orthodox Church. Symbolism is an art of investing objects with meaning. The Church uses symbols to highlight the faith of its followers.

The Holy Cross is a symbolic sign that represents the intersection of heaven and earth. The Cross is also a symbol of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. It stands for the suffering of Christ, the triumph over death, and the hope of salvation after death. It is the earliest and most popular way to represent Christ.

The Seven Lamps or Seven-Branched Candlestick is a symbol of the Holy Spirit. It is also associated with Pentecost.


Leaving the Greek Orthodox Church, there are certain things you may want to know about worship. The first thing you should know is that worship changes throughout the year. The Orthodox church incorporates the human body into their services.

In Orthodox worship, the sign of the cross is not just a religious rite, but also a practical action. It can be used to invoke the divine in prayer, protect against adverse powers, and/or show love to another person.

The Orthodox church also uses incense in their worship. The smoke is burnt in an ancient method that dates back to the Old Testament. The incense is burned on hot coal inside a censer. The censer is a pair of metal bowls suspended by chains. The censer can be raised to let more smoke out.


Unlike the Roman Catholic or evangelical churches, the Orthodox Church is one large body of Christian believers, organized as the One Holy Orthodox Church. The Greek Orthodox Church is an ecclesiastical denomination that adheres to the historic Christian faith as defined by the first seven ecumenical councils.

This faith is expressed in a variety of ways. The Holy Altar, for instance, is the center of the Church iconography. It contains oil lamps and pictures of the New Testament. Many Orthodox services are in Greek.

The sacraments of the Orthodox Church are the portals to salvation. They are administered by duly ordained ministers. A great many Orthodox Christians rely on sacraments to get them through life.

The concept of theosis, which translates into deification, is a major tenet of Orthodox theology. Theosis is the act of becoming god.


Leaving the Greek Orthodox Church would be a rash and irresponsible move. Such a step could erode the integrity of the ecumenical enterprise. At the same time, such a move would dilute the meaning of church membership.

The issue of homosexuality is a complicated one. To be clear, the Orthodox Church believes that homosexuality is a sinful failure. This belief is based on divine love. The act of loving deeply is a divine act. In a loving, permanent relationship, the ultimate objective of both partners is theosis. However, the Orthodox Church cannot recognize homosexuals as deserving of the same respect as married people.

Moreover, the Orthodox Church considers homosexuality to be dangerous. The Orthodox view elevates the anatomical function of the sexual organs to higher purposes of God. It also focuses on procreation. These two aspects of sexual union are integral to the quality of life. In addition, heterosexual marriage is more than a social arrangement.

Forgiveness Sunday

During Lent, Orthodox Christians are not allowed to consume alcohol, eggs, dairy products, and meat. In addition to these, they are asked to pray, attend confession, and fast. They also are encouraged to serve in worship.

The Lenten season is considered a serious trial for believers. This period of fasting prepares the soul for Holy Easter. It is the time to make amends for committing sins. It is also an opportunity to ask for forgiveness from God.

The Divine Liturgy on Forgiveness Sunday focuses on themes of repentance and forgiveness. The church service begins with Matins and then concludes with Great Vespers. It is a particularly meaningful service for Orthodox friends.

During Forgiveness Sunday, the Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom is sung. This hymn is part of the weekly commemoration of the Resurrection of Christ.

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