People often talk to themselves; Jesus prayed directly to His Father. However, those who believe in oneness theology fail to grasp that God exists as one Being yet three distinct persons.
Jesus demonstrated all of the attributes associated with God: knowledge, power and sovereignty. He healed people with miraculous cures while leading an ideal moral life; He fulfilled God’s promise as our Messiah-King who holds divine authority.
Table of Contents
Why did he pray?
The Bible records Jesus spending much time praying. Sometimes alone and other times with his followers. His teachings on prayer offer instructive examples for our own prayers.
We know that Jesus prayed both for himself and for others, such as during His agony in Gethsemane before His crucifixion. Additionally, he asked His disciples to keep watch with Him (Matthew 26:40)
One may ask why Jesus needed to pray when He was God Himself; however, it’s essential to keep in mind that He was both human and divine – He took on an authentic human nature, sans sin at conception in Mary’s womb and thus existed simultaneously as both an eternal divine being as well as human – making up one person with two natures – the God-man!
Part of Jesus’s motivation in praying was to glorify the Father as our heavenly King; prayer was one way He fulfilled this responsibility.
Jesus also prayed out of need and dependence upon the Father. One can only imagine His suffering on the cross knowing He would soon die and be separated from His Heavenly Father forever. Through prayer He demonstrated this total dependence as He accepted our punishment for breaking His laws.
Jesus also prayed in order to submit to His Father’s will and ask forgiveness for our sins, so that we might enter His kingdom and receive eternal life. Additionally, He asked the Father for help to alleviate suffering that was on its way.
At first glance, God seemed unresponsive to Jesus’ prayers; His plan was that Jesus should die as the sacrifice for our sins and it took an incredible miracle for him to overturn death and rise from the grave, further validating that He was indeed God Himself. Afterward, His ascension into Heaven verified this.
Why did he pray to himself?
“If Jesus Is God, Why Did He Pray To Himself?” is an iconic meme on social media that illustrates an underlying misunderstanding of Christian theology. At its core lies an inability to distinguish between beings–who and what–and persons (what and who). While Father, Son, and Holy Spirit all exist as one Godhead together, as three distinct persons they can communicate and interact amongst themselves which allows Jesus to communicate directly with His Father via prayer.
This can be seen through Jesus’ many prayers that were recorded in Scripture. While He often prayed alone, it’s also important to note that He often prayed alongside his disciples – like His model prayer at the Last Supper where He asked God to bless, protect, and sanctify them as well as protecting them from Satan who sought to persecute them (Luke 22:31-32).
Jesus’s model prayer and other recorded prayers demonstrate that He regularly communicated with His Father. Their conversations showed an affectionate bond, and that His Father not only heard Him but was responding as well.
His struggle in the Garden of Gethsemane exemplified Jesus’s intimate communion with His Father. Here, His desires became one with those of His Father – including going to Calvary in order to pay for our sins. Though this submission was agonizing for Him, it showed His faithful and obedient sonhood who would endure whatever suffering may come His way for His people.
John 17 contains the greatest exchange between Father and Son found anywhere in Scripture, with over one hundred references to “Father,” “Son,” or “you” within 26 verses demonstrating Jesus could speak directly with His heavenly Father despite being human himself. While most Christians know about the pattern Jesus taught his disciples for prayer in Matthew 6:9-13 (The ‘Our Father’ Prayer), only few know about this much broader dialogue between heavenly Father and heavenly Son.
Why did he pray to the Father?
Jesus often prayed during His time on Earth. He saw prayer as something everyone must do and as an important means to worship God, drawing close to the Father in an intimate manner through it.
Reading the Gospels gives us insight into why Jesus prayed. For instance, in Gethsemane we find him gathering with his closest friends to pray as he prepared to face an ordeal for his faith; Jesus knew this would have been extremely challenging. Therefore he needed strength and resolve in prayer in order to persevere throughout his trial.
Jesus prayed to His heavenly Father because, according to scripture, He loved and trusted in Him as well as His plan. Additionally, it shows He believed His father could save Him from death – His faith that His father loved and had plans for Him was what kept Him going in life’s battles; His prayer also demonstrated his trust that the Father would keep Him safe while providing for all his needs.
Jesus often went up a mountain during His earthly ministry to pray, knowing that nature offered the best place for communion with His Heavenly Father. This method also served as an example for His disciples when praying themselves.
Jewish leaders interpreted Jesus’ prayers to His Father as acts of sacrilege because He called Himself his own father and made himself equal with God. But it’s important to note that both Father and Son are distinct persons – although Christ embodied humanity, His divine hypostasis still resided distinctly within His being – unlike Oneness theology which holds that one cannot pray directly to itself (even though its members might share some basic attributes).
Jesus prayed to His Father because He loved and desired a close relationship with Him, an integral component of being his Son and even continuing after He returned home from earthly existence. This love existed long before Christ entered human form on Earth and continued long after He returned home into Heaven.
Why did he pray to the Holy Spirit?
Prayer was Jesus’ primary means of communicating with both his Father and Holy Spirit. Although they each exist as distinct divine beings, yet all three form one God – something the Bible clearly illustrates with its doctrine of Trinity. Believers should always keep in mind that Jesus is both God the Son and God the Father – something He did often during his three year ministry and for the good of all believers alike.
In the Gospels we read of Jesus praying alone often and desiring to have an intimate prayer relationship with his Father as any human does; He did this because His Father required it of him as well as out of desire to communicate. Additionally, prayer was something He felt compelled him to do by God himself.
The Scriptures reveal that Jesus was filled with the Holy Spirit, giving Him power and authority when performing miracles or speaking out with conviction. Additionally, His prayers to the Holy Spirit in times of trouble showed His trust in its guidance during trials that He himself experienced.
One of the most influential prayers found in Scripture can be found in John 17:1-11, where Jesus revealed to his disciples that He and His Father are one, praying that his followers would accept this reality, be protected against temptation, sin, forgiven by Him, comforted with joy.
Jesus made one last plea, praying that all believers would become one as He and the Father are. Paul details why this should occur in Ephesians 4:3-6.
Conclusion It is undeniable that Jesus prayed to both Father and Holy Spirit, and did so as both a man and divine being with a true soul as well as divinity. Furthermore, His identity as the Son of God made Him require prayer as part of his divine nature and life on Earth.