How the Orthodox Church Works

If you’ve ever wondered how the orthodox church works, then you’ve come to the right place. Learn about Personal prayer, fasting, baptization, and encyclicals. And learn about the sacraments administered by duly ordained ministers. These are some of the most important aspects of Orthodox Christianity.
Table of Contents
Personal prayer
In the Orthodox Church, personal prayer is part of a daily routine. The personal rule of prayer is patterned on the liturgical prayer and transforms daily life into an extension of the Liturgy. It is designed and administered by a spiritual father, usually a priest. Many laity also establish a relationship with a monk or nun who will serve as their spiritual father. The rule of prayer typically includes morning and evening prayers.
Orthodox Christians are trained to be competent intercessors before God through prayer. All their prayers are addressed to God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Personal fasting
Fasting is a spiritual practice that is practiced by Orthodox Christians. This discipline focuses on the individual and the community, and the goal is to achieve a state of sanctification. Orthodox Christians may choose to fast on Sundays to avoid committing a sin or to devote themselves to the practice of fasting.
The orthodox church recognizes fasting as a powerful spiritual tool and has practiced it since the early days of Christianity. However, it should be understood that fasting has no value if it is not done for a higher purpose. Orthodox Christians often consider the concept of fasting as a way to combat passions and open the door to the renewal of the Holy Spirit.
Fasting is a sacred practice in Orthodoxy and involves a strict abstinence from food and drink. It is essential that a person be in a state of spiritual and physical equilibrium before participating in a fast. To accomplish this, the fast should involve both the visible and invisible nature of man.
Personal baptization
Personal baptization in the Orthodox Church is a powerful expression of faith in Christ. It is a life-affirming event for both the baptized person and his sponsor, also known as God-parents. Personal baptization is a process in which the Holy Spirit fills the soul and body of the person receiving the sacrament.
This process typically lasts a year. It begins with catechesis, which is conducted by the local parish priest. This catechesis is especially important for people joining the Orthodox church from another Christian confession. It involves a thorough examination of the catechumen’s faith and helps him understand the ancient faith. The catechumen also participates in the Mystery of Repentance and confesses his sins that separate him from communion with God.
The Orthodox Church requires that a Godparent be present during the Baptism ceremony. This ministry comes with special honor and responsibility and is one that should not be taken lightly. Many people take this responsibility lightly. However, a Sponsor should be a faithful Orthodox Christian and be a good role model for their Godchild.
Personal encyclicals
The orthodox church works according to the steps revealed by God. These steps include the internal and external teachings of faith. Orthodox churches are self-governing bodies that share the same canons, liturgical worship, and teachings. They are the ultimate authority.
However, there are many similarities between the Orthodox Church and other fundamentalist organizations. For example, both emphasize the importance of tradition and selective modernity. Furthermore, both emphasise the Bible and the liturgical language. They have been accused of moral dualism and moral decay.
The Orthodox Church also opposes modernism and nationalism, and calls for the protection of local identity. They also oppose the “autonomization” of the economy.
Apostolic succession
Apostolic succession is the process of appointment and succession of bishops in the Christian Church. In the orthodox church, this succession follows a consistent, uninterrupted line back to the apostles. The succession is transmitted during episcopal consecrations, and it occurs through the laying on of hands by previously consecrated bishops. This succession is a part of the Catholic and Orthodox Church traditions, though it is not recognized in the Protestant churches.
The doctrine of Apostolic succession has been contested by Protestants and Nonconformists, who argue that it is not rooted in Scripture, and that it is unnecessary for Christian life and practice. However, some Nonconformist Protestants maintain that apostolic succession is essential to the Christian faith, defining apostolicity as submission to the original twelve apostles outlined in Scripture.