In the Orthodox church, we celebrate the life of the saints as the imitative of God. We live by the principle that we must strive to imitate God by living in a sanctified state. According to St. Maximos the Confessor, “Saints are those who have attained theosis.” The saints avoided sin, tried to live in accordance with their created nature, and have achieved total union with God. They also fought the good fight for the faith and exercised scriptural virtues.
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Russian Orthodox Church canonized new saints
In 1989, the Russian Orthodox Church canonized new saint Tikhon of Mt. Athos. During the 1917 Revolution, Tikhon openly professed his Christian faith, despite the threat of arrest. His example inspired other priests to do the same. However, in 1925, Tikhon died of a heart attack while the Bolsheviks were holding mass trials of clergy. In the following year, the Russian Orthodox Church canonized Tikhon and several other new saints.
The canonization of these new martyrs is the result of a decision of the 7th Ecumenical Council, which issued instructions for their veneration. The Holy Synod also decided to create canonization commissions in the Russian Orthodox dioceses to study the life stories of new martyrs.
There are a total of 108 canonized saints
Those who have been canonized in the orthodox church are those who have died for the faith. The process for canonization recognizes heroic virtue and the sacrifice of life in martyrdom. It also recognizes cases in which life is offered for others until death. Such people show exemplary imitation of Christ. Some of the canonized saints include St. Andronicus, St. Silas, and St. Silvanus.
There are relics of orthodox saints venerated around the world
Orthodox Christians believe that the body and soul are sanctified together, and the relics of saints are a direct channel of the grace of God. These relics are not only a source of inspiration, but also instruments of healing. As a result, veneration of saintly relics is growing in popularity throughout Russia and Greece.
There are various types of relics, and they are used for different purposes in the Christian tradition. For example, some Christians venerate a fragment of the True Cross. In Eastern Orthodox religion, relics are most commonly associated with the icons.
Relics of martyrs are also widely venerated. Many early Christians gave relics great respect. Church historian Eusebius of Caesarea wrote that the martyrs “shared communion with the living God.” The Apostolic Constitutions (5:1) calls martyrs brothers of the Lord and vessels of the Holy Spirit.
Some of the canonized saints are considered prophets
Some of the canonized saints in Christianity are prophets, and some of them are also considered saints. These saints are considered exemplary examples of the faith. Their lives and works were noted by other believers and are preserved in documents. The Catholic Church evaluates these documents to determine whether a person should be canonized. Some of the Old Testament figures are saints, and some are also considered prophets.
Saints of the Orthodox Church are distinguished by their life and ministry. Saints may be martyrs or confessors. In the Western Church, martyrs are honored with special feasts on their anniversaries. The canonization process requires special service for the church, a virtuous life, and supernatural signs or miracles.
Some of the canonized saints are considered “friends” of God
According to the orthodox church, the definition of a saint is one who has exhibited humility and love for humankind. They have a high level of holiness and are considered “friends of God.” Their life is worthy of veneration and canonization.
There are many different types of saints. In the orthodox church, many of the canonized saints are considered “friends of God.” Other denominations call them “saints.” In some cases, these individuals have a high degree of holiness or virtue. They are considered special signs of God’s activity, and veneration of them is sometimes considered a form of worship.