Whether you are planning to attend a Greek Orthodox Church or are simply curious about how a Greek Orthodox church worships, there are a few key factors you should know. These include the Liturgy, the Eucharist, the Sign of the Cross, the Anointing of the Sick, and Icons.
The Liturgy
Traditionally, the Orthodox Church has two parts of the Liturgy: the Liturgy of Saint Basil the Great and the Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom. Despite the differences in the two, they both have two primary parts: the offertory and the communion. These two parts are often celebrated on different days.
The first part of the Liturgy is the offertory, which begins with a prayer that asks God to change the gifts offered. It is followed by the long litanies, which address the congregation. After the prayer, the priest invokes the Holy Spirit. The chalice is encased in a veil, and the priest offers the gifts of wine and bread.
The second part of the Liturgy is the communion, which includes the proclamation of the Nicean Creed. It ends with the prayer of Thanksgiving.
The Eucharist
During the Divine Liturgy, the Eucharist is celebrated by Eastern Orthodox Christians. This is the most significant worship experience in the Orthodox Church. It is also referred to as the Sacrament of Sacraments.
The Eucharist is an act of worship that touches the mind, the emotions, and the senses. It is also a very effective means of evangelism. It is not only a sign of God’s forgiveness, but it is also a means of communion with the Living God.
The Eucharist is the oldest and most significant worship experience in the Orthodox Church. The Orthodox believe that Christ is truly present in the Holy Eucharist. They also believe that the Holy Spirit changes bread and wine into the body of Jesus. The Orthodox do not regard this as a coincidence.
The Anointing of the Sick
Performing the Anointing of the Sick is one of the seven sacraments of the Orthodox Church. It is a ceremony aimed at healing the body and soul of a person. It can be carried out either in the church or in a private setting.
In Greek Orthodox worship, the Anointing of the Sick involves several people who physically touch the recipient. The forehead is anointed because it is the center of thoughts. The person receiving the Anointing of the Sick kisses the cross and the Gospel.
The Anointing of the Sick can be administered to adults, children and even newborn babies. It is also known as unction. It can be administered to people suffering from mental and physical illnesses. It can also be administered to people in a nursing home.
The Sign of the Cross
Throughout the history of the Christian church, the Sign of the Cross has been used to express theological thought, practical Christian life, and devotion to saints. Many different forms of the sign have evolved. The form that is most common in the Western Church is a Latin Cross. However, the form used by the Eastern Orthodox Church is the Three-Barred Cross. This form is also used in the Russian Orthodox Church.
The Three-Barred Cross has its roots in the early Byzantine church. The Cross is a symbol of victory over death. It is the sign of Christ’s sacrifice. It is often used to express missionary work. Its four small crosses between the arms represent the five wounds of Christ.
The two main forms of the movement with joined fingers have their origins in the traditional shape of the Christian crucifixion narrative. These forms have been used for many centuries.
During Orthodox worship, icons are displayed. They are depictions of portraits of saints and Biblical scenes. They are used as a way of introducing spiritual truths in a visual form. They also serve as a focus for worshipers.
There are many different types of icons. They can be made of engraving, mosaic, or paint. They may also include symbolism. They can serve as windows to heaven. A corner of an icon may contain a palm cross, prayer book, or oil lamp.
A mandylion is an icon that represents a Biblical event. This includes Christ’s crucifixion. The icon’s most important function is to show Christ’s presence.
The first icon was made by Christ. According to legend, he sent a messenger to King Abgar of Edessa. Abgar was ill. He was healed when Christ’s face was imprinted on the cloth. The cloth was a “holy napkin.”
The first icon was not only a miracle. It also acted as an important reference for other images.