God always hears our prayers, whether spoken out loud or whispered silently within. He longs for an ongoing dialogue between Himself and you – something which requires both verbal and silent prayer to accomplish.
For optimal communication with God, it’s essential to keep His Word as your ultimate authority in mind when seeking answers from Him. Any thoughts which conflict with scripture cannot come from Him.
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What are the benefits?
Talking to God silently can provide many advantages. First of all, it allows for focused prayer sessions without distractions – meaning your words become more intimate. Additionally, talking with Him silently allows you to relax during prayer sessions for those who struggle vocalizing their prayers or prefer silent worship. Finally, talking to God internally allows you to get to know him better while sharing your fears, joys, and burdens with Him more openly.
Talking to God in your mind can also help you recognize His voice better, similar to how familiarizing yourself with someone like your spouse or close friend’s voice helps you instantly recognize them when faced with a large crowd of people.
When praying in your mind, you can be certain that God will always be present to listen and respond. He is your heavenly father and loves you more than any material thing could. He wants a relationship with you and will always be there no matter what struggles arise in life.
Importantly, it’s also worth keeping in mind that God can still speak audibly to us; however, He typically communicates through your mind instead. This is because His word cannot contradict itself or He won’t contradict it!
If you’re struggling to distinguish your thoughts from God’s, asking Him for confirmation of what you believe He’s telling you can help ensure you’re hearing Him rather than Satan.
Additionally, you should try to regularly hear God’s written word through Bible study and listening to anointed teachings. The more Scripture you memorize in your mind, the easier it will be for you to recognize when He speaks through others.
How do I know if I’m hearing from God?
God speaks through various channels; whether that means an audible voice, vision or dream, song lyrics, encouragement from fellow Christians or biblical studies, wise counsel from mentors or godly friends or physical signs that point towards His presence; His voice can be felt powerfully, lovingly and empoweringly.
Distinguishing His voice may not come easily, but it can be learned. First and foremost, it’s essential to examine your motives; are you seeking God out genuinely or to feel superior or gain power? God will help guide your search to recognize His voice more readily if your intent is honest.
Next, listen and compare what you are hearing with scripture. Does the message fit with what Jesus revealed of Himself through birth, life, ministry, crucifixion, resurrection and ascension and hope of his return? Often God confirms a word or vision from Him by coating it with fruit of the Spirit such as love, joy peace patience kindness goodness faith self control etc.
Never try to force Him to talk; He will only communicate when it serves His best interest and aligns with His timing. Be patient and respectful while trusting in His promise that He won’t leave or forsake you; He’ll show you His way as you walk with Him regularly.
How do I know if I’m hearing from the devil?
Sometimes when praying mentally, it can be hard to determine whether you are hearing from God or Satan. His voice may sound similar and cause you to question your faith – make no mistake about it: the devil’s job is to steal joy and cause doubt! Keep in mind that the devil is an expert deceiver who will do anything he can do steal it away.
At prayer times, it’s best to find a quiet space and focus on God’s word. This will help clear away mental noise so you can hear His message clearly. Keep a written prayer journal of anything the Lord shows you during your time of prayer; record things God tells you as well. Furthermore, ask Him if what you hear is truly His message to you. He may do so through Scripture or an anointed teaching.
When conversing with God, it can help to think of Him as your closest ally and best friend. He wants you to talk openly and honestly with Him about all aspects of your life that need attention and attention from you. If verbalizing your thoughts proves challenging for you, writing them down or even visualizing a conversation could work just as effectively.
Talk to Him about your daily challenges, hopes and aspirations as well as all that makes you thankful in life. Although He cannot predict everything that may happen in your life, He will provide wisdom.
Listening to God, you will discover that He is leading and helping your steps and developing his character within you. This growth should produce fruit like love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control in your life. If something nudges at you toward one of these areas – it could be from Him leading or tempting Satan away – be wary if something tells you to do or refrain from doing something contrary to scripture!
What if I don’t hear from God?
God can communicate in many different ways; though sometimes his messages come through angels or visions. More frequently He speaks through our thoughts and guides us in everyday practices, circumstances, and other people – learning to discern between our own thoughts, God’s voice, and Satan’s is key for spiritual growth.
No matter the mode of communication with God, He always listens. He knows our hearts and desires intimately and deeply loves us, longing to have conversations with us as life presents its challenges and obstacles. Whether spoken aloud or privately in thought form – either way He listens.
If you feel uncertain of God’s will on an issue, don’t be embarrassed to admit it – He promises wisdom to those who ask (James 1:5)! Seek wisdom through words spoken by others or sermons read aloud; your own thoughts or through inner promptings of the Holy Spirit – whatever works for you! What matters most is seeking His will and obeying it when necessary.
When hearing God speak to you, be sure to record what has been spoken. Writing down details will help keep it all straight for later review; keeping a journal may be an ideal way of doing this for young Christians just beginning their relationship with Christ.
When praying, try to focus on connecting with the Lord from your heart rather than worrying what others might think. God won’t tell you to do anything against His Word! Remember He created and delights in you – He loves you more than any earthly being ever could! Lastly, keep Jesus at the forefront of your thoughts – He paid the price for your salvation, is with you always and won’t leave or forsake you (Matthew 28:20) whether out loud or silent prayers are offered up; He listens attentively – an ever-present close friend you can talk with 24/7!