Does the Orthodox Church Believe in Purgatory?

does the orthodox church believe in purgatory

Does the orthodox church believe in purgatory? Here we’ll answer this question and examine what it means to be in apocatastasis, the place where the dead go to repent after they die. Purgatory is another term for a place of repentance and purification. Judaism and Christianity use the term differently. What are the differences? Which belief is more accurate?

Orthodox church believes in purgatory

The question of whether the orthodox church believes in purgatory or indulgences is a controversial one. According to a 1672 Orthodox Synod of Jerusalem, purgatory is a place where the souls of the departed await the resurrection. However, this place is neither a literal place nor is it a punishment that occurs before heaven. Therefore, the Orthodox church does not believe in purgatory.

Purgatory is a place where souls go if they die without being fully sanctified or deified in this life. According to the Eastern Orthodox Church, souls are not fully purified in this life, and undergo temporary punishment in order to make up for their sins. While the Orthodox church believes that the souls do not go to purgatory after death, Catholics do. Both churches recognize that purgatory is a place where the souls of the departed are punished until they can reach heaven.


Origen’s apocatastasis ties together two aspects of his theology. First, it links his speculations on the beginning and end of the world, which includes the preexistence of souls, a precosmic fall, and universal restoration. The second aspect of Origen’s theology is his eschatology, which is also rejected. Both are related.

The Fathers of the Church affirmed the existence of purgatory. They even defined it and explained the purifying process in the afterlife, making the explanations as valid as possible. However, the primitive Church never accepted the belief that eternal beatitude begins immediately after death. As such, Gregory’s concept is somewhat different from that of the ancient Church. Therefore, orthodoxy has a long history of teaching purgatory.

Apocatastasis is a state of repentance after death

Apokatastasis, or repentance after death, is a term from the Greek language and the Latin word restitutio in pristinum statum. The term describes a doctrine in the history of theology that teaches that all free creatures, including devils and lost souls, will share in the grace of God’s salvation. Origen’s views were modified by Saint Jerome and Saint Augustine.

Milton was a learned scholar of theology and had access to most of the writings on apokatastasis, which first appeared in the works of Origen around 200 A.D. He grappled with the idea of apocatastasis as it related to Satan’s character in his novel Paradise Lost. However, Milton was a Protestant and was not bound by the Fifth Ecumenical Council, so his view of Satan was not entirely consistent with popular beliefs.

Apocatastasis is a place of purification in Judaism

The term apocatastasis, derived from the Greek apocatastasis, is used to refer to a purification place in Judaism. It is also associated with commerce and has been interpreted to conflict with the chief article of the Catholic Church, which teaches that only Christ can set free the souls of the dead. A place of purification in Judaism is Gehenna, which is a hell-like location where sinners spend up to a year.

Roman Catholics make the sign of the cross with the thumb, index, and middle finger

The sign of the cross is a Catholic symbol that is commonly used during the Mass. During the sign, the celebrant lays his left hand under his breast and raises his right hand to touch his forehead. Then he touches his left and right shoulders with his thumb. The celebrant repeats this gesture several times during the Mass. This is a very common Catholic symbol and is used in many different contexts.

The sign of the cross is made with the thumb, index, and middle finger of the right hand. The three fingers are folded toward the palm of the right hand, indicating the three Persons of the Trinity, while the two remaining fingers represent the human and divine natures of Jesus Christ. Some people kiss their hands after making the sign and others return the hand to their heart after touching the left shoulder.

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