There is a big debate on whether or not orthodox christians believe in saints. Some believe that the Catholic Church only has seven or eight saints while others believe that there are many more. Here are some important points about the belief of the orthodox christians.
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Whether or not orthodox christians believe in saints
One of the many questions regarding the Orthodox Church is whether or not it believes in Saints. A saint is an individual who has attained deification and seen the glory of God. In some Orthodox traditions, a saint is not considered a saint unless he or she has been canonized by the Church.
The Orthodox Tradition criteria for Sainthood include a theological, moral, and sensitive approach to evaluating a person’s holiness. But this approach can be distorted, in a subtle way.
Some Orthodox Christians believe that the Holy Eucharist is a real presence of Christ. They also believe in transubstantiation, which is the transformation of the bread and wine into the body and blood of Jesus. However, this is not a common practice among the Orthodox.
Although the Orthodox tradition is based on the Bible, it is clear that it has a hard time figuring out the mysteries of the Eucharist. For example, no one fully understands how the bread is transformed into the actual body and blood of Christ.
Observance of the Rite of Glorification
The Observance of the Rite of Glorification for Orthodox Christians is a ritual that is based on the sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ, which was instituted by Christ. It is the third stage in the development of the Christian life.
It is an ancient Vesper Service that is offered every Wednesday and Friday during Lent. During this Liturgy, the priest removes the Body of Christ from the Cross, wraps it in a cloth, and then places it inside the Sepulcher, which symbolizes the Tomb.
Bishop Raphael was born in Lebanon in 1860. He was ordained to holy priesthood in 1889 at the Kiev Theological Academy. After being consecrated as a bishop, he traveled to many countries, ministering to people from various national backgrounds.
When he died in 1915, he was buried in Brooklyn, NY. Several hierarchs attended the funeral, and each anointed the faithful with oil. Many parishes still carry the flower-bedecked Sepulcher.
The relics of Saint RAPHAEL were also venerated. On the Proclamation, the Holy Synod of the Orthodox Church in America read the Glorification of Saint Raphael.
The Roman Catholic Church claims that there is no break in the pope’s line of succession to Peter. They also claim that a pope is infallible when addressing a question ex cathedra. However, the Roman Catholic view of the authority of the Pope and the primacy of Peter has several problems.
Firstly, the Roman Catholic Church does not provide any proof to support this claim. Secondly, the statement is disputed by many apologists. Thirdly, the Catholic view of the primacy of Peter does not fit the facts of the matter. For instance, does Scripture imply that Christ entrusted keys to Peter? It is not in the text.
Finally, does the Roman Catholic view of the primacy of Peter have any Scriptural basis? There are a few verses that are cited as evidence by apologists. While they may have some soteriological or ecclesiological merit, they have no institutional meaning.
In fact, some apologists argue that Peter did not receive a special power over the other apostles during the public ministry of Jesus. Nevertheless, it is worth noting that the Roman Catholic Church cites this as one of the primary reasons they have unbroken popes.
Understanding of hell as a place of eternal torment
If you ask orthodox Christians what hell is, they would likely say that it is a place of torment for the wicked. It is a place where they will be tormented eternally, and in which the souls of those who reject God will experience pain.
Hell has a long history. While no specific details of Hell appear in the Hebrew Bible, it does include references to Sheol, a place for the dead and those whose souls have memories. The Greek language refers to Hell as Gehenna.
The first known mention of Hell is in the Babylonian Bible around 300 AD. Augustine, the church father who wrote the City of God, addressed fire as a metaphor for eternity. He argued that the physical flames of hell would torment immaterial evil spirits.
Eternal conscious torment (ECT) is the traditional view of hell. This view holds that each human soul is intrinsically eternal, and that the suffering experienced by those in hell is an act of love by God toward the condemned.