While many Western Christians are enamored with the Easter traditions, Greek Orthodox Christians observe the Julian calendar instead. If you are wondering when is Easter for the Greek Orthodox Church, read on to find out when it is in 2022 and the traditions surrounding it. Many Balkan countries also observe the Julian calendar, but this is not necessarily the case in Greece.
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Orthodox Easter
Orthodox Easter is the celebration of the resurrection of Christ and the break of lent. It usually falls between April 4 and May 8, and always falls after the Jewish festival of Passover. According to the New Testament, Christ entered Jerusalem on the day of Passover. On Easter, Christians break open red eggs to commemorate Christ’s broken tomb and to celebrate his resurrection.
The Orthodox Easter service consists of two parts: the Paschal Hours, a short chanted prayer service, and the Paschal Divine Liturgy, a Eucharist service. During the evening service, Christians light candles to remember Christ’s first Resurrection. After the service, they head home to feast.
Easter celebrations date has been in dispute for centuries, with different Orthodox churches following different calendars. During the first centuries of Christianity, Easter was celebrated on a different day. In 46BC, the first Julian calendar was proposed. It has 365 days, but every fourth year, the sun has three extra days, thus causing a day for Passover. In the 20th century, the Greek Orthodox Church opted to use the Julian calendar instead of the Gregorian calendar, and Easter is still celebrated on that date.
Western Easter
For the Greek Orthodox Church, the date of Western Easter falls about four weeks later than the Greek Orthodox Church’s Easter. This year’s Orthodox Easter falls on April 17th, while the Western Easter falls on April 24th. This difference in dates is due to the errors in the Julian Calendar. Because of these errors, Orthodox Easter tends to occur later than Western Easter in future centuries. The last time the two celebrations fell on the same date was in AD 2698.
Calculating the exact date of Easter can be complicated. For instance, Western Easter often falls before Eastern Easter, and Eastern Easter only coincides with Western Easter a few times a century. Additionally, Easter dates can vary widely from early to late spring, and can fall in early April or even early May.
Orthodox Easter is a celebration that begins the evening before Passover in a number of locations. The time and place of Easter celebrations will differ from region to region, and even culture to culture. For example, many Christians celebrate the Paschal Vigil on Holy Saturday, the night before Jesus’ resurrection. For Orthodox Christians, the day is marked by midnight services, during which priests will announce that Christ has risen. After midnight, many churches celebrate Easter with fireworks and gunshots. People in the crowd will respond by shouting, “Alithos Anesti,” which means “God is Risen!”
Date of Orthodox Easter in 2022
The Date of Orthodox Easter in Greece in 2032 is expected to be April 24. This will mark the 430th celebration of the feast. This event is considered the joyous end to the Christian year. The first ecumenical council established the unified observance of Orthodox Easter, and decreed that the event should be celebrated on the first Sunday following the first full moon. However, the Julian calendar is still used in many Orthodox churches.
In 2022, Orthodox Easter will fall on April 24, a week later than the Easter observances of the Western Christian Church. However, Easter is a time for celebration, and Greeks will be able to enjoy traditional Greek foods and traditions. The rich history of Greek religion dates back to the earliest days of Christianity. Greek people have long been devoted to the Christian faith, and Easter is the best time for feasting and festivities.
In 2022, Orthodox Easter will be celebrated on Sunday, April 24. It is an important religious holiday for 300 million Orthodox Christians. It commemorates the resurrection of Christ after the cross. The holiday also marks the end of the Great Lent, the 40-day period of fasting.
Traditions of Orthodox Easter
As Easter approaches, the Greek Orthodox Church observes several traditions that mark the Easter season. One of these traditions is the distribution of Holy Fire, a flame that symbolizes Christ’s Resurrection. The flame is distributed by a priest at midnight on Easter Vigil. This practice is considered a miracle by the Orthodox Church.
The week before Easter is known as Holy Week. This week lasts from Palm Sunday to Holy Saturday and marks the last week of Lent. During this time, Christians prepare their hearts and minds for the Resurrection of Christ. They also abstain from eating meat during this time, a symbolic act.
During Orthodox Easter, Greek Christians attend church services and eat special food. Most Orthodox Easter foods include lamb, cheeses, boiled eggs, and Pashka (Easter bread), which is often served with red wine. Eggs are also dyed red to symbolize the blood of Christ and the Virgin Mary, and are used to celebrate life and fertility.