What is God’s Favorite Color?

what is god favorite color

Color is abundant in nature and frequently mentioned throughout Scripture. God particularly favors four hues: blue (including scarlet ), purple and white.

White symbolizes purity and light, and Scripture promises that our sins will become as white as snow (Isaiah 1:18-19).

Gold represents wealth and royalty while black represents mourning, famine and death.

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Blue is often associated with feelings of peace and stability. It also represents nature and energy. Additionally, the Bible mentions various shades of blue for its symbolism – sky and sea blue are mentioned repeatedly!

According to the Bible, God is a multicolored God; however, He seems especially fond of blue as it represents sky, water and heavens above us. Blue also stands for peace, wisdom and truth – qualities Jesus personified perfectly through having blue eyes himself!

Blue has long been associated with heaven (Exodus 24:10) and used as a metaphor to represent Christ’s healing power (Luke 8:40-48) and God’s divine healing, while in Revelation 21:19 blue stones will decorate the foundations of New Jerusalem as part of its decoration scheme (the Hebrew term for blue is tekelet). Revelation 21:19 records blue as one of these stones to symbolize sanctification and healing by God himself.

Red is associated with passion and love. Additionally, Mars (known for war) also wears this hue, making red one of extroverts’ favorites and representing masculinity.

Scarlet was used alongside blue and purple in the Tabernacle to symbolize earthiness, serving as the color for Aaron’s son Levi priests’ ephods as well as Israelites wearing scarlet-colored tassels to remind themselves of God’s commandments.

God does not reveal which hue He favors most, though He often mentions green as His preferred hue. Green can be found everywhere from grass, plants and forests to many flowers and the sky. Green represents life, growth, prosperity and contentment – just look up into space from any direction and you will witness all its spectrum of hues! It is essential that we remember God is responsible for creating all spectrums of colors which He delights in utilizing!


Bible colors all carry special symbolic significance, such as blue which represents both sky and God’s Word; it’s often featured as the main color on Jewish prayer shawls (Hebrew: tallit) with interwoven fringes (Hebrew: tallit). Furthermore, blue symbolizes holiness, purity and redemption – which makes sense given that Israel was founded upon it!

Red is another symbolic color in the Bible, representing blood and atonement as seen when Jesus died on the cross to atone for our sins (John 6:55). Additionally, red can symbolize earthiness since its Hebrew root word for scarlet corresponds with earthiness (Genesis 2:7). Red decorations were also often found decorating Tabernacles alongside blue and purple hues.

Yellow is another prominent biblical color. It symbolizes trials and purification as we experience them (2 Peter 1:7). Yellow also stands for new life and resurrection that occurs each springtime, which we celebrate through Easter celebrations. Green, the color of vegetation, symbolizes healing and growth while representing God’s provision and healing (Psalm 66:9).

Purple is an iconic hue. In the Bible, purple symbolizes priesthood, kingship, and royalty – it was worn by high priests in the Old Testament and used to anoint kings (Exodus 28:29). Christian doctrine also uses this hue as it represents Christ as our High Priest and King – it even appears on His throne! Symbolizing spiritual wisdom and dignity this color also represents Rose of Sharon flowers as well as Lilies of the Field flowers!


Purple is a luxurious color that symbolizes wealth, power and status. Because this hue is both rare in nature and costly to manufacture, royalty and high-ranking government officials in biblical times would wear this hue to signify their status and wealth. Furthermore, this shade was often associated with spiritualism as it was used as the fabric used to wrap Jesus after his crucifixion, as well as being used to craft Aaron and his sons ephods and girdles from this hue (in addition to being part of these references).

Purple can symbolize Christ’s suffering, death and resurrection as well as Lydia’s faith and obedience when clothed in it by Ptolemaic Egypt’s King Ptolemy V. Additionally, purple was chosen as priestly garment color according to Exodus 39:28 (“Make a robe for Aaron and his sons to serve me as priests.”). Additionally, God chose it to cover both tabernacle and temple during Old Testament periods with its protection.

As with red, purple can symbolize passion and desire as well as love and trust. Additionally, purple is known as a soothing hue that can help people relax and find peace within themselves. Furthermore, spirituality and wisdom associated with purple may encourage individuals to lead in challenging circumstances by encouraging action to overcome obstacles.

Green is the color that symbolizes life and prosperity. Associated with grass, plants, and forests; green has often been dubbed the “color of money.” According to biblical writings, green symbolizes contentment and peace of mind.

Many believe that purple is God’s favorite hue; however, there is no evidence to support this assertion. Jesus himself could well be God incarnate, and therefore loves all colors equally – not least because He invented the rainbow itself! It would be difficult for Him to pick just one!


God cherishes all colors equally, yet certain ones hold special meaning for Him. Their symbolism helps us better comprehend His nature, promises, and eternal plans.

Blue represents trust, loyalty and wisdom. It also represents faith, truth and heaven – symbolisms which God holds dear. His eyes are blue and He deeply cares for his children – often showering them with gifts – often symbolised with blue. Blue can also remind us of God’s grace and communication through the sky or sea – both reminders that He always remains close by!

Purple symbolizes royalty and wealth. It represents God’s divine authority and justice; and is associated with Gabriel, the angel who brings salvation message to believers.

Brown stands for earth. In biblical texts, monk’s robes in brown were often an emblem of humility and devotion; reminding us that God is with us throughout everyday struggles as He acts as our Shepherd who protects against all forms of harm.

White symbolizes purity and cleanliness. Reminiscent of snow-topped clouds reflecting sunlight, it reminds us that God’s love is pure and clean. Additionally, it serves as a reminder of Christ’s righteousness – once we repent of our sins He will provide an atonement.

Red is associated with courage, sacrifice, and passion – symbolic of Christ’s sacrifice for our sins – reminding us that we are loved and that God remains true and trustworthy.

Yellow symbolizes joy, happiness and warmth – reminding us that God is full of joy in all circumstances and His goodness outweighs any trouble we may encounter. Yellow also represents sunlight as well as yellow flowers such as daffodils and sunflowers which bring sunshine into our lives.

Black is often associated with sorrow and despair. It represents mourning and death. Contrasting light’s brightness, its darkness reminds us that God’s grace and love surpass any pain we might feel in life.

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