Muslims, some Christians and Jews use Allah to refer to God. It’s an Arabic term meaning “the God.” In contrast with its Jewish equivalent YHWH (Yahweh Hashem Whom We Praise), Allah does not refer to an individual but instead represents all aspects of spiritual existence.
One significant distinction is that in Arabic the article comes before each word: al ilah; however in Aramaic it comes at the end: elahh.
The God
Allah is an Arabic term meaning “the God,” used as an equivalent for Yahweh in the Old Testament and used by Islam. Other Semitic languages use variations such as Ugaritic il and Phoenician el for their respective deities, though Arabic users always pronounce Allah when speaking of their God.
Ancient Semitic peoples believed that God or Sacred Unity, whatever you may call it, was embedded within all aspects of reality and our everyday world, including nature. For them, nature served as the vessel through which this Holy One communicated with them and provided guidance in life – something Jesus and other Hebrew prophets could never have imagined!
Aramaic word for God (ilaha/llaha), closely related to Arabic. Some English translations of the Bible use this term while others prefer “God” or even Theos (Greek word). Christianity used Aramaic in its first century worship services and Jesus probably spoke this language himself. Although the New Testament itself is written in Greek with Theos as its word for God (i.e. “god”) being more familiar among Western audiences, its word doesn’t capture Jesus’ full message – only part of his message comes through in its content.
The Almighty
Scripture and other texts proclaim God as the Almighty, meaning He possesses infinite strength. Nothing stands in His way of exerting that force – He can even bring back the dead! For these reasons He is revered by all, with praise of him being given in songs such as Hallelujah. Ultimately it is He who created mankind; giving life, maintaining their existence over generations but having the potential power to bring destruction if He so chooses.
Belief in God can bring peace, giving you assurance that nothing is out of reach for Him. Your faith in the Almighty can also provide comfort when facing trials in your life and provide strength during tough times.
Judaism and Christianity refer to God as Jah or Yahweh; He is considered the creator of everything, setting in motion and controlling everything from raindrops and sunshine showers, frost and snowfall, sun- and moonrise, as well as heartbreak and happiness alike. Jah knows everything that has ever occurred or will ever occur and he will judge all people accordingly for their deeds.
The Lord of the Worlds
Allah rules over both heavens and earth; His is the kingdom, and His power extends over everything. He controls life and death; He has all-powerful control. His provision varies according to whosoever He wishes; no other being compares to Him or shares His sovereignty – He knows our hearts, all our secrets and is unsurpassed above what they associate with Him (Him). To Him alone belongs glory – no other god could possibly compare.
Religions often view God as an individual god who can be summoned directly through prayer or indirectly via intermediaries such as saints. Some traditions allow sacrifice for His sake while others incorporate Him into daily life through interjections such as thanking Him when feeling grateful or repeating phrases of praise or adoration.
The biblical God (Elohim in Judaism and Yahweh in Christianity), is said to have created the universe and all its components within six days before resting, blessing, and sanctifying it on the seventh. Many also hold that God plans on returning the world back to its original state of goodness after Christ has been raised from death; conversely Satan is seen as being in charge of this present one with its ideals, goals, hopes, philosophies, education, commerce etc.
The Creator
The Creator is an absolute being that transcends space and time, who cannot be affected by human sins or beholden to human emotions. However, those sensitive enough can sense Him and His eternal plan for our world.
Muslims refer to God as Allah, which is composed of two Arabic words al and ilah. Although Allah contains Semitic roots present in the Old Testament, it does not serve as a name for Him as He doesn’t require one. Additionally, Arabic articles come before their respective words unlike Aramaic ones which require two. Al is typically pronounced with an initial glottal stop sound which approximates that found in Aramaic “elahh,” with reduced “a” sounds.
Allah in this context refers to a higher level of consciousness — a link between our individual self and larger selves, or nafshas. Furthermore, Allah symbolizes eternity – when all will finally join the Creator again in heaven.
Remembering Allah as our creator and protector should be paramount. He does not need anything, yet He created us all in His image to worship Him and feel His love. Allah does not punish those who harm His creatures with harsh measures – He knows all our secrets and can reveal them if necessary; in essence He is our savior and protector.
The King
God in Aramaic is known as elaw, which is equivalent to Allah in Arabic. The only difference in pronunciation lies within words themselves – Aramaic articles appear at the beginning while Arabic articles come at the end. Additionally, Aramaic words end with consonants while Arabic ones have vowels at their ends.
Aramaic verbal system consists of perfective and imperfect verbs: ti’al (perfective) and ti’lv (imperfect), with multiple conjugations for each verb, and the present ti’el. Furthermore, there is also itp’al which serves both as internal passive of pa’al and reflexive of ti’el; they do not correspond as closely with Hebrew qal and p’el however they remain sufficiently similar to each other.
Jesus spoke Aramaic, the language of the Old Testament and Gospel of John is entirely written in Aramaic. However, most earliest Aramaic documents are mostly inscriptions written around 2,000 years ago – these oldest texts in existence today!
Contrary to Hebrew, Aramaic does not use the niph’al and conjugations p@’al, pa’el and haph’il almost completely have disappeared; remnants remain of internal passive of Hebrew qal as well as itp’al (similar to tp@’el) conjugations; writing of Aramaic does not incorporate an alif in Allah’s name because Aramaic was written before Arabic began using vocalization to vocalize it.
The Lord Jesus
Jesus, commonly referred to as Yahweh, is the Creator and Savior of all creation. He made heaven and earth along with everything within them (Genesis 1:1-2). Jesus claimed He is “I AM,” meaning He is indeed the one true God (Exodus 3:14). Furthermore, Jesus claims He is also “Savior of the World”, liberating people from sin, death and evil spirits’ power.
Jesus spoke Aramaic as his primary language. This may seem surprising given that He was descended from Abraham, so Hebrew should have been his native tongue; however, Aramaic was spoken throughout Galilee, making sense given He was raised there along with most Israelites.
Aramaic offers many sounds not present in Greek. One such sound, “maranatha,” appears only once in Scripture (1 Corinthians 16:22); its translation reads as: if any does not love him he must be cursed.”
This is due to Aramaic grammar containing verbs like shbk that differ in meaning from those found in Aramaic Targums; for example, Jesus speaks in Gospels using this form when saying, “Eli, Eli, Lama Sama Bhakhthani”. Many believe this quote comes not from canonical Hebrew texts but instead an Aramaic Targum text.