In 1898, the Russian Orthodox Church of Three Saints was established by immigrant families from the Carpathian Mountains. Nowadays it serves first, second, and third generation descendants of these immigrants as well as converts to Orthodoxy as well as recent immigrants from Russia.
Over the years, Father Telep’s parish has faced numerous difficulties, including the schism within Orthodox Christianity in America. Through it all he was able to guide his parish through difficult times and provide insight into Russia’s situation as an Orthodox priest.
Table of Contents
Saints Peter and Paul Orthodox Cathedral has been the spiritual home to thousands of Orthodox Christians in northeastern New Jersey since 1907. It was founded by immigrants from Eastern Europe.
The Russian Orthodox Church is a faith shaped by its turbulent past. From tsarist rule to reformation, schism and communist control, it has seen it all.
Its greatest assets lie in its liturgy, prayerfulness, icons and monastic life. Unfortunately, this Church has also faced challenges that it was unable to overcome.
For instance, the early settlers of North America were predominantly ethnic Russians and thus could not accept Roman Catholic faith.
Many of these immigrants chose to abandon Roman Catholicism and return to their Orthodox heritage. Seeking a parish that would accept them as they are, many found spiritual home in SS. Peter & Paul Parish in Newark, NJ.
Saints Peter and Paul Orthodox Cathedral has been the spiritual home for thousands of Orthodox Christians living in northeastern New Jersey since 1907. This parish originated from an Eastern European congregation whose members sought refuge within Russian Orthodoxy to preserve their Eastern religious practices and heritage.
In the Eastern Orthodox Church, worship is an extraordinary ritual. It unites believers in prayer and chanting for a truly holy moment.
It is also a time of fellowship and celebration. In addition to the Holy Eucharist, which serves as the primary form of worship in the Church, there are other services held throughout the week.
Vespers (Service of Readings), Great Vespers (with the Liturgy) and Compline (Sleep) are some of the services held during Vespers, Great Vespers and Compline respectively. Inter-Hours for First, Third, Sixth and Ninth Hours exist as well; these shorter services follow a similar structure to regular hours but offer shorter readings or prayers.
Parish Life
Parish life is structured around a vibrant liturgical cycle, featuring Sunday and major feast days, Saturday Vigil Mass, daily Vespers services and an active parochial school. Our parishioners range in age from young adults to seniors as well as children.
The parish community of this parish consists of members with Slavic heritage as well as Greek, Latin American and Anglo-Saxon backgrounds. A variety of social activities take place here and a strong sense of fellowship among parishioners helps keep this vibrant.
As an Orthodox Church, we practice traditional worship with an ordained priest leading services. In addition to regular Divine Liturgy services, we also hold Sunday Bible study and iconography classes.
Under Theodora Gramkow’s direction, the choir sings regularly and serves at funerals. For over 75 years they have been an integral part of parish life.
Russian Orthodox Church New Jersey’s parishioners are an eclectic group from various backgrounds. They share a passion for their faith and strive to foster an atmosphere of caring amongst each other.
Their commitment to Orthodoxy is deeply-seated in their heritage. They take great joy in passing down their traditions and culture, which they strive to share with others.
They are also actively involved in their communities and churches. They serve on committees, attend meetings, and are leaders within various organizations.
In addition to worshipping at their church, parishioners of Russian Orthodox church new jersey are actively involved in many other activities. They take part in local, state and national events while supporting church projects through participation in the Holy Causes program.