Orthodox Christians Observe Easter Sunday?
Orthodox Christians observe Easter Sunday, the day before the Sunday of Easter. It is a festival that commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Christian church has celebrated the holiday on this day since the early Church. Although the day was originally observed in Eastern Christianity, many Western Christians have adopted it as part of their Easter celebrations.
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Early celebrations
Orthodox Christians observe Easter on a different date than most western Christians. The earliest recorded celebration dates to the 2nd century. They mark the Resurrection of Jesus Christ as the holiest holiday of the year.
Traditionally, Orthodox Easter falls a week after the Great Week and 40 days of Lent. This means that there is a lot of preparation involved before the day arrives.
Easter Sunday begins with a special service called the Paschal Divine Liturgy. It is a communion service that is considered the most important church service of the year.
During the Paschal feast, red wine and roasted lamb are served. A special sweet bread known as Tsoureki Paschalino is also consumed.
Throughout the day, lit candles are carried to symbolize the resurrection of Christ. During the night, a prayer called Paschal Matins is sung.
Gregorian calendar
Orthodox Christians and other Eastern Christians celebrate Easter differently than western Christianity. The main reason is that they use a different calendar to calculate the date. They celebrate the feast of Pascha, the resurrection of Jesus Christ, on the first Sunday after the full moon following the spring equinox.
It is important to understand that the difference in dates observed by the two religions is not accidental. This is because the Orthodox church uses a calendar that differs from the Gregorian.
When the Orthodox Church was first founded, it used the Julian calendar. This calendar is 13 days longer than the Gregorian. Since many Orthodox Christians follow the Julian calendar, Easter often occurs at a different time than other Christian denominations.
The Gregorian calendar was introduced in 1582 by Pope Gregory XIII. This was in response to a miscalculation by the Julian calendar that caused the spring equinox to shift by 11 minutes. In order to rectify this, the Gregorian calendar added leap years.
Coptic Easter Monday
Orthodox Christians observe Easter, also known as Resurrection Sunday, or Pascha. Easter is a day of remembrance of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and the culmination of the 40-day fasting period of Lent. The Christian community celebrates this festival in countries around the world.
The date of Easter depends on the Julian calendar used by the Eastern Orthodox church. It is observed on the first Sunday after the full moon of the spring equinox. Many Orthodox churches mark the day with a movable feast.
For example, the Egyptian custom of coloring eggs reflects the symbolism of rebirth. This custom is rooted in ancient Egypt’s celebration of fertility.
Another tradition is that of buying new clothes. These are worn during family reunions. A similar tradition is the sprinkling of ashes on homes.
Food eaten
Orthodox Christians observe Easter as a remembrance of the resurrection of Christ. It occurs on the first Sunday after the full moon following Passover. The date varies between Eastern and Western churches. However, it always falls after the Jewish festival of Passover.
During the 40 days of Lent, Orthodox Christians abstain from specific foods. Traditionally, these include meat, poultry, and dairy products. These preparations help to focus the worshiper’s mind and heart on the resurrection of Jesus and his victory over death.
During the Holy Week, which is a week leading up to the day of Easter, Christians celebrate several traditions and readings about the resurrection of Jesus. One of the most important celebrations is the Paschal Divine Liturgy. During the service, Christians break their fast and pray.
Observance in Lebanon
For centuries, the people of Lebanon have celebrated the occasion of Easter in their own way. Traditionally, the Easter celebration in Lebanon has been celebrated by Maronites.
The event is a national holiday and is considered a significant day. It is an opportunity for the country’s politicians to put aside their differences. During this time, families gather to celebrate the festival.
However, this year’s Easter was a little different. Many churches were closed as they were under the lockdown due to the COVID-19 crisis. This meant that Maronite Christians were unable to attend the mass.
In lieu of this, President Michel Aoun and his wife Amine Gemayel attended the Good Friday mass at Holy Spirit University. They were joined by Minister of Energy Nada Boustani.