Getting Greek Orthodox is a way of life and there are many ways to become a member. You must first learn to accept God’s gift of salvation and then you can begin to study His word and make the necessary changes in your life. Then you will find yourself enjoying a deep, lifelong relationship with Him.
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Among the many ceremonies of the Orthodox Church, Baptism is one of the most important. As a sacrament of salvation, it cleanses a person of Original Sin and prepares him or her to enter into the Church. Usually, Baptism takes place during the first year of a child’s life.
To become a baptized member of the Orthodox Church, you should be a committed Christian. This means attending the Divine Liturgy on Sunday, and being regular participants in sacramental activities. In addition, you should choose a Sponsor/Godparent who is an active and devout Orthodox Christian.
The role of the sponsor is central to the baptismal service. He or she vouches for the child and the family, and acts as a spiritual guide for the child.
Choosing to convert to the Greek Orthodox Church is a life-changing decision. You will spend months of preparation before your conversion to the Greek Orthodox Church is complete. If you have questions about how to become Orthodox, you may contact your local Greek Orthodox priest. He will be an excellent source of information on how to become Orthodox.
To get started, you should visit several Orthodox parishes. This will help you to find a church that is comfortable for you. If you are considering becoming Orthodox, you may also need to be baptized. During the baptism process, you will receive the Sacrament of Holy Chrismation, which signifies that you have entered the Orthodox Church.
You should also make a life confession. This is a therapeutic process that will help you to continue to renew your baptism. You should attend life confession four times a year.
Sacramental life of the church
Throughout Church history, sacraments have been central to the life of the Church. They express the mission and purpose of the church, strengthen the individual and the Church, and provide a daily abundance of grace. The sacraments of the New Covenant are necessary for salvation. In order to receive them, a person must be baptized and confirmed.
According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, a sacrament is “a saving act of Christ that is made present in history.” This definition of a sacrament is grounded in the belief that Christ’s work of redemption is permanent and irrevocable. It is also based on the experience of human beings.
In the New Testament, the Christians are described as members of the Body of Christ. They are deified, purified, joined, and illumined. They are called to sanctify the world by proclaiming the Good News of God’s love.
Byzantine heritage survived series of tragedies
Despite its many failures, Byzantium had a rich intellectual heritage. Its cultural and intellectual identity was shaped by its oscillation between Hellenic and Christian influences.
The Byzantine Church was closely intertwined with the state. Patriarchs often formed ephemeral alliances with Orthodox groups to ensure their tenure as a patriarch. Its monarchs were not exponents of Orthodoxy but protectors of the faith.
Byzantium contributed to the preservation of a large proportion of classical Greek literature. Most of the surviving works of the classic Greek epic and drama are preserved through Greek manuscripts. Byzantine scholars were deeply interested in Platonic philosophy. They considered that knowledge of the universe was necessary for human achievement. They also had a profound fascination with Homeric poems. Their commentaries on the Iliad and Odyssey are still in print today.
Theosis is a personal transformation
Despite its widespread usage, theosis has not always been a part of the Western Church. Especially in the early centuries of Christianity, theosis was an important doctrine. Theosis is a concept of salvation and deification, the process of becoming like God and enjoying the presence of the Divine.
Theosis is a major theme in Orthodox theology. Theosis is a recurring theme in Anglicanism. It is the Greek word theos, which means “God”. Theosis is a personal transformation, which takes place in one’s life. Theosis is the process of becoming infused with the divine, and it is everlasting.
Theosis is also the process by which human beings are brought into the life of Christ, through Baptism. This act of faith and baptism initiates a personal relationship with Jesus. It is through this sacrament that Christians become the body of Christ.