How to Be Orthodox Religiously

how to be orthodox

When it comes to Christian faith, we have been given much guidance on what is right and wrong, and we are given means by which we can become righteous. The primary goal of Orthodox life is to acquire virtue, to become like Christ in all things. Christ is the true image of the great-soul, so if we want to be orthodox, we must learn to be like him.


Traditionalism is the adherence to a single, narrow tradition. This term is often used to deride other traditions or interpretations. Orthodox Christians hold the Holy Tradition in high regard, but they also take exception to the use of the term by fundamentalists and extremists.

True Orthodox fidelity to the past can never rest on a barren “theology of repetition.” Rather, true Orthodoxy requires thinking and living within Tradition itself, as opposed to simply adhering to accepted formulas. To do so, true Orthodox thinkers must enter into Tradition’s inner spirit. This requires more than intellectual assent. Traditionalism is not an easy way to be orthodox.

In Greece, for example, an agreement was recently reached between the left-wing government and Archbishop Ieronymos, which was met with strong reactions from the clergy and later withdrew. Another issue which received much attention was the coronavirus pandemic, which was analysed through the lenses of modernity, fundamentalism, and traditionalism.


Discernment is a gift from God that helps us to distinguish between the good and bad. It is a characteristic of the pure that only those who are holy possess this gift. This is a very rare quality. It requires a clear conscience and a perfect sense.

Discernment is an important part of Christian spiritual growth. The New Testament emphasizes the importance of discerning good from evil. It is the responsibility of a spiritual leader to guide others to do the same. This spiritual gift requires the active participation of believers and should be practiced.


Communion is an important part of Orthodox Christianity. It helps the faithful maintain a relationship with God and the other members of the Church. It is not available to everyone. But if you are fully received into the Orthodox Church and adhere to the Orthodox Faith, you will be able to receive Communion. To receive Holy Communion, you must prepare properly. This means observing a fast, making a recent confession, and attending all divine services regularly. If you are unsure whether you are ready to receive Communion, it is wise to speak with a priest.

Being late to Mass can cause disruption for other worshippers. During the Orthodox Divine Liturgy, you will be allowed to enter the church only if you are quiet and reverent. During certain times, such as during the homily or Gospel reading, you will need to remain in the narthex.

Church life

Orthodox Christianity affirms that the human person has a unique and intrinsic value and relationship to God. The human person has not lost his or her “image of God” and must be pursued with an uncompromising commitment to moral and spiritual perfection. The Christian’s spiritual life reflects this commitment. He or she strives to live every act and every thought for the glory of Christ.

In Orthodox Christianity, baptism is an important and fundamental element of a person’s faith. A person’s commitment to the Orthodox faith begins by submitting to baptismal rites and participating in church services. The Orthodox Church believes that baptism is a vital element of salvation and is a necessary part of the journey to full Christian holiness.

Religious education

One of the questions we face today is “How to be orthodox religiously?” Orthodox Christianity is based on the Nicene Creed, which was formulated during the Councils of Nicaea and Constantinople in 325 and 381, respectively. In the Orthodox Church, the Creed is considered to be the authoritative expression of belief. It is also regarded as a “Symbol of Faith” that points to a reality greater than ourselves.

Orthodox Christianity believes in the Holy Trinity and a unique relationship between God and humankind. It argues that Jesus is more than a moral teacher or a pious man, but is both God and man. This belief is expressed in the doctrine of the Incarnation, which unites humanity and divinity in one being. Thus, Jesus is both true God and true man.

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