The Orthodox Church honors Saints as “friends of God” and reveres them as the ultimate role models. They pleased God in their worldly life, sanctified their bodies and souls, and entered the heavenly realm after dying. As such, they were granted the gift of eternal life and the capacity to pray for the rest of us in this world. For this reason, Saints are seen as the ultimate role models for Orthodox Christians.
Table of Contents
The Divine Liturgy
The Liturgy for orthodox saints follows the same pattern as the Divine Liturgy for the faithful. It begins with a preliminaries dialog between the priest and deacon. A sermon is then given. Afterward, the faithful are dismissed to further study.
The sign of the cross
In orthodox saint worship, the sign of the cross is a common gesture that identifies the death of Christ on the cross. It also calls for God’s mercy and blessing. It can be made by anyone who believes in God’s salvation.
The human body
The sanctity of the human body is of great importance to Orthodox Christians. Their belief is that the human body and the soul are unified and that God created the human body and soul to share in His holiness. This concept of unity is expressed in Orthodox worship, which makes use of all the senses to remind worshippers of the heavenly state. The methods of worship are based on the “Holy Tradition” and have been passed down from early Christian times.
The Nicene Creed
The Nicene Creed is one of the most important creeds in church history. This creed outlines Christian beliefs and explains how the Trinity works, as well as what it means to worship God. It is recited in many churches every Sunday and summarizes the whole gospel. It also reveals the nature of the Christian life and is a fundamental part of Orthodox faith.
St. John the Baptist
During his public ministry, John preached the need for repentance and turning from selfish pursuits. He denounced the Pharisees and Sadducees as a “generation of vipers” and warned tax collectors and soldiers not to extort money from their customers. His message swept the land, and many came to hear him preach on the banks of the Jordan River. Thousands were baptized, and his followers spread the gospel throughout the world.
St. Nicholas
Orthodox Christians worship St. Nicholas in several ways. First, there is the church. This building is a Greek Orthodox church, but it is also a national shrine. It is located at the World Trade Center in Manhattan. The church also has a shrine in San Francisco.
St. Basil
The veneration of orthodox saints in the Orthodox Church begins in local communities. A diocesan bishop will request that a particular person be recognized as a saint. A committee will research the person’s life, including any certified miracles, and decide whether to grant sainthood. After this, the Holy Eparchial Synod will make a formal decision and notify other Orthodox churches.
St. Gregory the Theologian
Saint Gregory the Theologian, who was born around 354 in Cappadocia, was raised in a Christian family. His father, mother, and grandmother were all saints. He began his adult life teaching rhetoric and eventually became the bishop of Nyssa in Cappadocia. In the 370s, he turned to religious studies, and his brother Basil ordained him as a bishop. His efforts at the time were largely aimed at combating the Arians. He was deposed twice, but re-established his bishopate in 378.