The New Testament of the Bible focuses on the person and work of Jesus Christ and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the early Church. It consists of four Gospels that are accounts of the life and ministry of Christ, twenty-one epistles that detail the life and ministry of early Christians, and the Book of Revelation, which is symbolic of Christ’s return. The Gospels are incredibly important to Orthodox believers and have a special place in their understanding of the Bible.
Table of Contents
Scriptural mind
One of the most important aspects of Scriptural understanding is living what one preaches and teaches. According to St. Athanasius, “Scripture is the word of God; we must live what it says.” This means that our understanding of Scripture should be based on living the commandments of God and imitating Christ.
The Orthodox Church teaches that the Word of God has two natures: the divine and the human. This is the concept of the Incarnation, which is at the heart of Orthodox belief. It is believed that Christ had both the human mind and human body, and suffered in the same way that we suffer.
Aside from the teachings of the Orthodox Church, this book also features the sayings of a variety of Orthodox saints. It includes a collection of more than three hundred sayings from fifty different Orthodox saints from countries around the world, including Palestine, Syria, Egypt, Russia, Montenegro, France, and Greece.
Christological perspective
The Christological perspective is one of the most important aspects of Orthodox Christian faith. It focuses on the person and work of Jesus Christ, as well as the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the early Church. There are four Gospels that tell the story of Christ’s life, twenty-one epistles that relate the life of the early Church, and the Book of Revelation, which is symbolic of Christ’s return. These texts are fundamental to the Orthodox faith, since they point to the perfect revelation of God in Christ.
In Christological theology, the church is the assembly of the faithful on earth. The saints are the “church” – members of Christ’s body. The Church is the assembly of God’s people, distinct from the gentiles.
Early church fathers
The early church fathers were Christian pastors and teachers who taught orthodox doctrines and central truths of the Christian faith. They believed in the triune God, that Christ was both fully divine and fully human, and in the absolute authority and infallibility of Scripture. In addition to teachings on God and Christianity, they also addressed the needs of the church. They were often called “fathers of the church” or “doctors of the faith,” and they spoke to the needs of the church.
The writings of the early church fathers are especially valuable. There are many examples of the kind of doctrinal stance that these men took. Irenaeus, for example, was a great advocate of obedience to the Law, which is stated in Matthew 5:19. He also criticized heresies and condemned abuse of authority. Nevertheless, he remained faithful to the Holy Scriptures and preached the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.