Greek orthodox Saint Haralambos was born in the fourth century and served Christians for several years in Magnesia. He was known for his compassion and ability to preach the message of Jesus Christ despite threats from pagans. His miracles have been recorded for many years and continue to inspire Christians today. He was one of the most prominent saints in the Eastern Orthodox Church.
St. Nikiforos
Saint Nikiforos is a Greek Orthodox saint who was once imprisoned by the Roman emperor Sevirus. His torture began when he was ordered to sacrifice himself to the gods, but he refused. The soldiers then twisted his beard into a rope and tied it around his neck. He then was taken around the city on horseback. The soldiers also burned his face. However, after this horrendous torture, God protected the Saint and he died as a martyr.
Saint Nikiforos was born in Magnesia, a region of Asia Minor. His name means “glowing with joy” in Greek. He lived during the reign of Septimius Severus (193-211) and the reign of Lucian the Proconsul of Magnesia. He preached the Gospel in Assyria and was persecuted for his faith. Despite persecution, he persisted, preaching the Gospel to everyone, and even underwent painful tortures.
Saint Haralambos
Saint Haralambos is one of the most popular Greek Orthodox saints, especially among Christians. The story of Saint Haralambos dates back to 1821, when Turkish troops invaded the Greek port of Pyrgos. The men in the town were besieged by the Turks, but the people prayed to Saint Haralambos, who prayed for the people’s salvation. As a result, the Turks withdrew and Pyrgos was saved.
Saint Haralambos was a second-century Christian priest who lived in Magnesia, a region of Asia Minor. He preached the Good News of Jesus Christ to the local population. Despite severe persecution, he refused to flee his faith in Christ and continued to preach the Gospel.
Saint Charalampus
Saint Charalampus was a martyr of the early Christian church. His cranium was preserved in a template in the old Iraklitsa, Greece. It was moved to the new Iraklitsa in 1922. An even larger fragment is preserved in the abbey of St. Stephanos in Meteora. The cross that adorned the sheath of his cranium dates back to the seventeenth century.
According to legend, Haralambos was tortured by Sevirus. He was tethered by a rope and taken around the city in a horse-like fashion. When Galinee saw this, she begged the sevir to stop the tortures, but Sevirus was so angry that he ordered her to be beheaded.
Saint Charalampus’ martyrdom
Saint Charalampus’ martyrdom occurred in the third century. He was a Christian who converted many people from pagan religions to Christianity. He was also the first to convert the emperor of Rome to Christianity. However, in the second century, he faced persecution by the Roman government. Severus, the emperor at that time, was furious and ordered 300 troops to arrest him. These soldiers were to drive spikes into Charalambos’ spine and drag him from Magnesia to a nearby town. As the soldiers were dragging him from the city, two horses began to talk to them and called them the minions of the devil. This frightened the soldiers and caused them to leave.
The Roman emperor, Severus, was furious at the plight of the Christian. He wished to punish Charalampus for his faith. Severus ordered the priest to be pierced with a skewer and then hung him over a fire. He was assisted by the emperor’s concubine. The sister of Severus’ concubine, Galina, begged Severus to spare Charalampus. However, Severus’ orders were to crush his face with stones.