The God of the Bible is an attentive Father, but like any loving parent He abhors anything that harms or defiles His children – in that vein He hates sinners just as any Judge would seek out criminals for punishment in society’s best interest.
Yet His anger against elect unbelievers ends on people, not actions; this shows His nature of mercy.
Table of Contents
Why does God hate sinners?
God is love, yet at times His Bible shows He hates sins because they affect His children negatively. Similarly, a loving parent will always show compassion toward their offspring even if their behavior hurts or angers them in some way – just as does our Heavenly Father with those who believe in him! It is important to remember that despite these dislikes He still loves those who believe in him regardless of their actions against Him or against them!
Some may be confused about God’s view on sinners because the Bible seems to indicate otherwise, yet warns them against continuing in their wicked ways without finding salvation in Christ. While He hates them, His dislike is more compassionate and forgivable. He loves those he considers his children while punishing those who refuse His Son as their Lord and Savior.
At first glance it may seem contradictory for God, the God of love and compassion, to also display hatred; however it’s necessary for his love. God hates what is harmful to his children and destroys all false, ugly, and sinful things which oppose or harm them.
God clearly expresses His distaste for many things in Scripture, such as pride, lying, murder, evil thoughts and inclinations, sowing discord among believers, bearing false witness or slandering others (Proverbs 6:16-19). Furthermore He opposes idolatry (Deuteronomy 12:31), child sacrifice and sexual perversion (Leviticus 20:1-23) as well.
God describes himself as holy and jealous to emphasize that He is committed to righteousness and punishes any who violate their standards of behavior with fierce intensity. Because of this stance he often hates those who do not consider themselves his children due to their lives being corrupt and antithetical to His perfect character – hence why He punishes sin with such severity.
How does God hate sinners?
As Scripture discusses what it means by “hating” sinners, there has been much discussion over its interpretation. One approach often taken is comparing Old and New Testaments – often using God from each as an example – often pitting one against the other and asserting that their respective gods hate sinners while in turn the New Testament presents Him in an indirect and loving light. Unfortunately this oversimplification misses the point; Biblical concept of hatred involves evaluation rather than emotion and though New Testament may reveal an increasingly merciful God He still loves all sinners who continue rebelling against Jesus Christ and does not change His character at all!
Many passages of Scripture describe God’s disdain for sinners, with verses like Psalm 5:5 stating “You hate all workers of iniquity” (Psalm 5:5) and Psalm 11:5 proclaiming this distaste for violent individuals such as “The wicked and those who love violence He abhors with an intense passion”. Anti-Christians often point to these passages to argue that He doesn’t really care for sinners – however Romans 5:8 and 1 John 4:16 disprove this belief.
God hates sinners because He values good and opposes evil. If an individual rejects Jesus Christ as their mediator of reconciliation and continues to sin, His love for them will be put under strain by His commitment to justice – He may come down harshly on their current identity and behavior, leading Him to finally reject them outright.
However, if they repent and place their faith in Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior, God will remove them from his kingdom of wrath into his kingdom of grace. Although he still hates their sinful behavior, He cannot possibly hate their converted soul as that would mean hating his Son! Instead, His love for them shows how much he cares for his creation – those who shirk God’s love yet continue in sin will ultimately be judged by him, yet His judgment won’t affect those who turn towards him with faith because his compassion exceeds his anger – his love is too great!
What does God hate about sinners?
God detests sin because it stands against His nature and works of Satan, so as a result He views it with disgust. Sin has been described in scripture as wounds and bruises (Isaiah 1:6), burdens (Psalm 38:4), something defiling (Titus 1:15), heavy debts (Matthew 6:12-15), stain (Isaiah 1:18) and darkness (1 John 1:6) which shows His commitment to righteous judgment – evidenced by God’s dislike for those who persist in sinful activity – many other characteristics which illustrate God’s disgust at those who persist in their practice of it. Isaiah 1:6 speaks volumes on this point! God is just, and His hatred for sinful activity is evidence of His commitment towards righteous judgement – an indication of this commitment resulting from righteous judgement of rightful judgement which He takes seriously (Isaiah 1:16-17; Psalm 38:4) which denotes just this aspect of rightful judgement through rightful punishment offenders by rightful punishment of righteous judgement of justice through punishment of individuals for their repeated practice of sinful behavior! God is committed to righteous judgment so His hatred for sinful activities is evidenced in this regard! He who hates sinful people is an indication of His commitment towards righteous judgment which He takes seriously His commitment toward just this commitment that expresses by showing off righteous judgement with righteous judgement being expressed through rightful judgement: just.
God, though loving, can also be seen as being judgmental; his anger directed against those who reject His offer of mercy and forgivence. Although He doesn’t dislike individuals personally, His wrath remains directed against those who continue in sin (Romans 1:18; 2 Thessalonians 1:9; Hebrews 10:32).
Some attempt to sidestep God’s clear warning by insisting that He loves both sinners and their sin. This claim is completely contrary to Scripture; to say otherwise would mean He hated His Son! Because this would entail saying He hates all his children – which would be ontologically impossible! Therefore the Bible says: “the Lord testifies against the proud, He is angry with them” (Psalm 5:5; Hos 11:6).
These claims rely on misreadings of verses such as John 3:16, one of the most well-known texts on God’s love for sinners. But in reality, God’s love for sinners does not represent an abstract emotional feeling but instead represents His commitment to forgive them if they repent and believe – an eternal commitment that cannot be taken away if someone repents or believes falsely. This profoundly important truth must not remain hidden from society: this will enable sinners to see that His love truly exists – this will enable them to repent and believe in His promises – only then will they come to realize God cares for them – thus saving many souls from eternal damnation!
What does God love about sinners?
When it comes to loving sinners, it is essential that one understands that there are multiple kinds of love. There is the affectionate and tender love referred to in scripture when speaking of God’s love for people; while there is also selfless sacrifice such as Jesus dying on the cross for sinners – this latter form is what the Bible describes God having for all (John 3:16).
God does not simply view sinners with hatred but instead with mercy, seeking their salvation (Psalm 5:5; Prov 6:17-19). Indeed, when discussing God’s hatred of evildoers in relation to His love of righteousness it should be noted that sin is detestable to Him and He cannot remain close with anyone who persists in committing it.
Scripture lists many things the Lord abhors, such as idolatry, child sacrifice and sexual perversion; it also mentions His strong dislike of haughty eyes, lying tongues, feet that rush toward evil and hearts that devise wicked schemes – these things He detests just as strongly! In such instances the word “hate” should be understood as disgust or aversion rather than any direct feelings against an offender.
God’s wrath against those who turn away from Christ will continue for as long as they refuse Him, but when they turn back toward him through faith in Jesus all hostilities are broken with Him and all sin is cleansed away through his blood – which makes God love more self-sacrificing than affectionate; indeed it becomes painful when they do turn back – becoming what the Bible refers to as its good news (Romans 5:8; 1 John 4:16).