Since sin entered the world, people often believe they have an inherently corrupt nature which they cannot escape. This belief is incorrect.
The Bible makes clear that God does not view sin the same way we do – He sees it as an offense against His purity.
Table of Contents
1. Sin entered the world through Adam
The Bible clearly establishes Adam as being responsible for sin invading our world, according to Easton’s Bible Dictionary which defines sin as “any failure or transgression of God’s law, whether by thought, word, or deed”. When Adam sinned he introduced an evil element into existence called sin that separated people from their Lord.
Adam and Eve sinfully disobeyed God when they fed from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil (Genesis 3). By doing this, they violated one of the most essential commands in Scripture: not eating from this tree. Their action breached one of God’s instructions by breaking one of His laws as well as dishonestly lying to both Him and Eve about what they were eating from. Furthermore, Adam and Eve wanted something that belonged to Him while failing to love their neighbors equally as themselves.
Due to their disobedience, God punished them severely and sent them away from Eden. Living in a cursed world they experienced spiritual death (Genesis 3:23) becoming slaves of sin instead of obeying His commands – just as all humans eventually do today. Consequently they died just like everyone else today.
People believe that all humans inherit Adam’s sin as their federal head and representative of humanity, known as original sin. Augustine of Hippo popularized this doctrine that all humans are born sinful and can only find reconciliation with God through Jesus Christ’s atoning sacrifice.
Paul provided a thorough explication of sin in Romans 5:12-21. He began by asserting, “Sin entered into the world through one man, and death through sin. Therefore all who live and die are guilty of sin.” Paul continued by outlining how numerous types of sin exist before concluding that God’s free gift of righteousness does not equal sin because where there is more evil (sin), grace increases all the more (Romans 5:20).
2. Jesus did not sin
Many Christians hold to the belief that Jesus, being God in human form, could never sin. According to this view, doing so would violate His nature, which would be inconceivable. Yet this does not address how He became sin for us – as every human on Earth has the potential for sinfulness – Jesus lived as just another person on this earth – with temptations and suffering just like any human would. However, His ability to resist them and endure suffering was what enabled Him to offer himself up as the perfect sacrifice for our sins.
To gain insight into Jesus’ ability to overcome sin, it is vital that one understand what the Bible reveals about its nature. According to Christian hamartiology, sin refers to anything which violates God’s law of love and wrath – this includes physical desires such as sexual lusts as well as pride, murder, envy, deception etc. Nearly every temptation encountered during scripture involves either obedience or rebellion – Adam and Eve faced an opportunity for obedience or rebellion when given choices between their impressions or God’s instructions – while Satan used to be one such angel before being brought down through their rebellion by divine decree! Interestingly enough, scripture also shows this when depicting his initial exaltation!
Scripture speaks of Satan’s pride and arrogance. This sin manifested as self-exaltation; ultimately causing him to lose his position (cf. Ezekiel 28:14-15).
Jesus often rebuked and condemned those engaging in sinful behaviors during his ministry, and this could be seen as uncomfortable but was in line with His nature as a loving and just God. Furthermore, His passion for justice could also be seen when He healed on Sabbath or befriended those from marginalized groups.
He was tested in the wilderness with genuine and potency temptations, just like any human would be. Like us, He experienced desire for His own will rather than that of the Father; yet He resisted all temptations of sin that came His way – otherwise His role as our atonement would have been severely compromised.
3. Jesus did not yield to sin
One of the most challenging issues pertaining to God’s omnipotence is evil’s existence. If He were truly all-powerful, one might expect Him to eliminate or at least severely limit its effects; but this raises another question – why did He create a world with evil present in it? According to some thinkers like Aquinas and Leibniz, secondary goods that couldn’t exist without evil (forgiveness or salvation, for instance) outweighed its pain-inducing effects by providing secondary goods; these secondary goods could not exist without at least some degree of evil being present – thus justifying its existence over its potential harm that brings it brings.
Jesus, being God in human form, did not commit any major transgressions during His time on Earth. Some have speculated that His perfect humanness allowed Him to resist temptation without giving in; yet He also knew how to feel righteous rage at sin – an emotion He experienced not as an ordinary human, but as the God-man Himself!
As He faced even the gravest temptation in Gethsemane Garden, He did not succumb to it despite His human frailty or desire for self-preservation, conflicting with His duty to His Father and humanity. Not once in any other time that He was tested did He give in to sin.
Though he could have turned stones into bread or leapt from the temple in submission to Satan, none of these things happened. Nor did He lose control of his body as some have claimed wrongly; although this would have been possible had He desired.
Rejecting Satan’s temptations by turning to scripture and quoting the words of God — such as, “Turn away and you won’t harm,” or “do not tempt the Lord your God” — Jesus used his own words against Satan and each time was tempted he refused to yield.
4. God cannot look upon sin
Some Christians hold to the belief that God cannot look upon sin. They cite a verse from Habakkuk which reads, “Your eyes are too pure to see evil; You cannot tolerate wrongdoing” (Habakkuk 1:13) as an evidence that He does not tolerate wrongdoing, when in reality this statement simply affirms God as righteous and won’t permit such acts from happening.
God is holy by nature and cannot do anything that opposes it; doing otherwise would mean He ceases being God altogether and would no longer exist as such – thus making sin impossible for Him.
God is holy; thus He detests sin and loves the good. With perfect love and justice in place, He cannot allow sinful behavior. That’s why Jesus died for our sins!
God is not unapproachable; His holiness doesn’t render Him “inaccessible,” since He can still be present among sinners and remain close by omnipresence. Indeed, Genesis 3:24 indicates why He expelled Adam and Eve from His presence – He wanted to prevent them from accessing the Tree of Life so they wouldn’t eat of its fruits and become cursed by doing so.
Also important is remembering that God does not view all sins equally; adultery in His eyes was much worse than murder, hence why Jesus used an analogy between adultery and having sexual desires that can lead to adultery (lust in one’s heart) which was an act of sin in order to show Pharisees that our thoughts matter just as much as our actions do before God’s judgemental eye.
Orthodox Christian doctrine can be difficult to reconcile with reality due to evil’s existence, leading many people to doubt a God who is both loving and omnipotent as it seems implausible that He could create free beings who use their freedom for harmful ends. This has lead to movements such as process theology which rejects omnipotence as well as post-Holocaust thinking which questions the goodness of God.